Canadian Cyclist


May 4/99 5:17 am - Quebec Cup Information, Alberta Results

Posted by Editor on 05/4/99

Second QC Cup of the Season

For Elite and Juniors and second Super Prestige for Masters + Opening race for Youth categories.

7:30 Opening of registration office
You may register 1 hour before your start.
8:30 Under 13 M (Pee Wee) 4 laps 6.8km
Under 13 W (Pee Wee) 4 laps 6.8km

09:00 Under 15 M (Minimes) 8 laps 13.6km
Under 15 W (Minimes) 8 laps 13.6km
09:45 Under 17 M (Cadets) 17 laps 28.9km
Under 17 W (Cadets) 14 laps 23.8km

10:45 Masters A 30 laps 51km

13:00 Masters B 30 laps 51km
Senior Women 30 laps 51km
Masters C 27 laps 45.9km
Junior Women 27 laps 45.9km
Masters D 24 laps 40.8km

14:30 Junior Men 30 laps 51.0km
Senior 3-4 33 laps 56.1km

16:00 Senior 1-2 41 laps 69.7km

Registration fees: $7 youth cat.
$11 Masters
$12 Sr-Jr

Note: Riders from outside Quebec must present a valid licence from the CCA, otherwise will have to purchase a temporary licence to compete ($10).

The Racing Committee in Quebec respect the UCI rules which means gear restriction for youth cat.:

U13 42x16 or (5.60m)
U15 45x16 or (6.00m)
U17 52x16 or (6.94m)

We also have specific rule that specify that wheels should have 28 spoke for cat U13 to U17

Junior 52x14 or (7.93m)

No add-on on bike for any cat. on group start (eg, clip-on bars).

Unattached should wear a neutral jersey without any publicity on except the name of manufacturer.

No upgrade unless you present a written authorisation from the Quebec racing committee. You may contact our T.D. at regular business hours from Monday to Friday.

The telephone number of the Quebec Federation is:

(514)252-3071, fax (514)252-3165.
Web site:


TAKE HIGHWAY 40 DIRECTION TROIS-RIVIERES up to EXIT 108, direction road 343 to St-SULPICE (2nd overpass). Turn on your left to cross Highway 40 at second overpass. Then turn on your right on l'Ange Gardien (second traffic light), then on your right again on Point du Jour Nord (first traffic light), and finally turn on your left on Jacques Degeay (second street). About 20 minutes north east of Montreal.

You may contact the organizer Yvon Beaudry at (450) 589-0933 or (450) 589-3547

Pigeon Lake Spring Classic, Alberta
(courtesy M. Phaponiuk)

The final results, race report, and pictures for this event can be found at:


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