Canadian Cyclist


December 6/07 4:33 am - Burnaby Track Work Crew Needed

Posted by Editor on 12/6/07

Burnaby Track Work Crew Needed

Pizza & Beer! Burnaby Velodrome track work crew required Saturday, December 8th.

Where: Burnaby Velodrome

When: 3-5 pm, Saturday, December 8th

- Rental bike/work area cleanup. Add more bike hooks, general fix-ups and junk removal
- Warmup lane. Yeah baby! We're lifting the volleyball tiles for a meter or so around the perimeter to create a lane between the tiles and the cote. A clean lap around the inside without dicey transitions!

- Anyone with two hours on Saturday afternoon. If you can lift a half kilo you're qualified.
- We'll have tools for putting in bike hooks, etc. if you'd rather do bike room stuff than tile lifting.

A better Burnaby Velodrome! And beer.

Please respond to Rob ( or Andy George ( if you can make it.


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