Canadian Cyclist


January 2/08 5:39 am - 2008 Edition of Test of Metal Sells Out

Posted by Editor on 01/2/08

2008 Edition of Test of Metal Sells Out

Registrants from as far away as the U.K., Yukon Territory, Virginia, Oregon, Ontario, Manitoba, Hawaii, and California raced for the 800 available spots for this year's North Shore Credit Union Test of Metal, selling it out by 8:01 pm, just two hours after opening.

"I think that the modification of our registration process helped relieve some of the pressure of last year," said Race Director Cliff Miller, referring to the 41 minute record sell-out for the 2007 event. "We'll never have a spot for everyone, but this seems to be a fair way to go."

The changes in this year's registration included 200 race spots offered in a "locals only" registration on December 1st and the elimination of the waiting list. The locals only registration sold out in 2 hours and 12 minutes.

Changes in registration were introduced in response to feedback from riders. They expressed a desire for certainty so that they could begin their training regime.

"We've got our 1000 riders registered and now they can begin their training," Miller said.

In past years, there has been a 20% attrition rate, and organizers expect the number of racers at the start line to be 800 as in past years.

Entries to the race are still available for those who participate in Test of Metal trail maintenance days. Information is available on the website (

Miller also also announced that this year the Test of Metal is using some of the profits to hire a professional trail co-ordinator.

"The impact of this race on our our trails is significant and we need have a responsibility to ensure not only that the race course in good shape, but also that Squamish's valuable recreational resource, the mountain bike trails, is maintained."

This will be the 12th running of the Test of Metal in Squamish, and each year its popularity increases making it one of the most most successful mountain bike races in North America.

A 2006 study done by the BC Mountain Bike Tourism Association established that the Test of Metal generates almost 1 million dollars of economic activity in Squamish.

The Test of Metal Inc. is a not-for-profit society run by volunteers, and any proceeds from the race are returned to the community through charitable donations. Since its inception, the Test of Metal has donated more than $75,000 to community organizations and events.


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