Canadian Cyclist


January 4/08 8:31 am - 2nd Annual Thunder of Chunder

Posted by Editor on 01/4/08

2nd Annual Thunder of Chunder
Courtesy Robin Dutton

The 2nd Annual Thunder of Chunder took place in Nanaimo, BC on December 30th in very snowy conditions. This year's course was longer than last year's, and the depth of the snow also slowed things down. So after five 6-7 minute laps and one beer per lap there were some very wobbly people. The results were as follows. Check the Arrowsmith Bikes group on Facebook for photos.

1. Andrew Kent drank 5 beers of varying brands
2. Bill McMillan drank Lucky
3. Max Nodwell drank Lucky
4. Kyle Chatlain drank MGD
5. Mark Wieler drank Lucky
6. Bill McLane is a lightweight who only drank 3.5 Granville Island Honey Lager


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