Canadian Cyclist


January 4/08 7:30 am - Alberta Bicycle Association News

Posted by Editor on 01/4/08

Alberta Bicycle Association News
Courtesy Scott Kelly

Registration for 2008 Alberta Bicycle Association Licenses is now available. The Application form and waiver are available for download at Registration is also available on-line through

Club Registration for 2008 is now available. All clubs will be receiving their 2008 Club application package in the mail within the next week. If you are planning on starting up a new club, please contact us by phone at 780-427-6352 or by email at with your mailing address, and we will mail out a club package.

Should you have any questions about licensing or club affiliation for 2008 or Insurance, please feel free to contact the ABA office for more information.

Upcoming Important Dates to Remember...

We will be holding meetings for both Race Organizers and Club Presidents in February. Calgary and Edmonton dates have been set for convenience of all those planning to attend. Dates are as follows:

Edmonton - February 2, 2008
Location: Percy Page Centre (11759 Groat Road)
Club Presidents: 10 AM
Race Organizers: 12 Noon

Calgary - February 9, 2008
Location: TBD
Club Presidents: 10 AM
Race Organizers: 12 Noon

2008 ABA Racing Calendar...

The staff of the ABA is in the process of building the 2008 racing calendar. Organizers wishing to host events next season are encouraged to contact Sport Coordinators Scott Kelly (Road, Cyclocross and Track); or Roddi Lega (Mountain Bike and BMX); or by phone Toll Free at 1-877-646-BIKE (2453). Look for a draft of the 2008 calendar on the ABA website by mid-January

The Staff of the ABA would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year and we look forward to seeing everyone out at the races in 2008.


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