Canadian Cyclist


January 11/08 6:54 am - OCA Offers NCCP Level 2 Coaching Course

Posted by Editor on 01/11/08

OCA Offers NCCP Level 2 Coaching Course
Courtesy Brendan Arnold, OCA

With the support from the Coaches Association of Ontario we are able to offer the following coaching course in February. This course is in conjunction with the Ontario Coaches Conference.

If you are a coach and are interested in any of the seminars being offered, click this link for more information on this great weekend.

NCCP Level 2 Core Coaching Course
February 23-24, 2008

Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Centre
6750 Mississauga Road - Mississauga - ON - L5N 2L3

Paul Jurbala will teach the two-day course. The requirement for this course is the following:

* Completed Level 1 NCCP (Road or MTB)
* Completed Intro Comp B (Theory)

Date: Sat. & Sun., February 23-24, 2008

Time: 8.30-4.30pm

Location: Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Centre
6750 Mississauga Road - Mississauga - ON - L5N 2L3

Cost: $110 - On-line registration is available NOW! By clicking on the above link.

This will fill up fast so please register soon.


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