Canadian Cyclist


January 11/08 6:56 am - Canadian 'Cross Worlds Team Taking Shape

Posted by Editor on 01/11/08

Canadian 'Cross Worlds Team Taking Shape

Glen Rendall, the manager of the Canadian team for the 'Cross Worlds in Treviso, Italy later this month, has provided an unofficial list of the athletes who will be representing Canada. This list may change.

Elite Women
Wendy Simms
Lyne Bessette
Natasha Elliot - declined
Kelly Jones

Elite Men
Mike Garrigan
Greg Reain - declined
Osmond Bakker
Aaron Schooler
Alternate: Derrick St John - declined

U23 Men
Mark Batty
Kyle Douglas
Brian Robinson
Shaun Adamson
Ian Manning
Alternate: Andrew Thomas

Junior Men
David Larson
Evan Guthrie - declined


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