Canadian Cyclist


January 17/08 8:58 am - Forest City Velodrome: CanAmQue Challenge this Weekend, FCV Newsletter

Posted by Editoress on 01/17/08

Forest City Velodrome - CanAmQue Challenge
Courtesy Rob Good, FCV

5 riders are ready to hit the boards at the Forest City Velodrome on Saturday night at 7pm. The 2008 FCV race season opener is the CanAmQue Challenge. 20 Professional Bicycle racers from New York, New Jersey and Montreal will invade the tight 138m Velodrome in South London.

Team Ontario lost the Sprint title in 2007 and will be looking at returning to top step of the podium. There are 3 feature races on the program, Elite madison, Women's Madison (team races) and the 150 lap CanAmQue Challenge for endurance racers. Over 3 hours of non-stop racing action.

The Velo-Kids and all of the regulars will be eager to race hard in the first race at FCV in 2008.

If you have a little cabin fever and want to watch indoor Velodorme racing at it's best come out and support these athletes from all over North America.

Admission is $10.00, Seniors and Students $5.00.... Kids are always FREE.

The Forest City Velodorme is a Not for Profit Association run by Volunteers at the "Old Ice House" in South London just south of the 401 off of Welington Road. for more information.

FCV Newsletter

Happy New Year From all the Volunteers at the Forest City Velodrome, we wish everyone a very Happy New Year. With the start of 2008 the FCV is continuing to expand programs for Youth & Recreational riders.

As a rider graduates through the Track 1 & Skills Sessions and gets integrated into our regular riding programs, many laps are required to learn proper etiquette and pace line riding. It is suggested after Track 1 new riders get as much time on the boards as possible (below the red line) and ask for help from Session Leaders and regular riders. Those with experience can help by pacing new riders and answering the questions.

Our membership has grown to 275 members, with 90% or the riders being Recreational Fitness Riders. Many of our past, out of town members are renewing their memberships at the new rates we have posted for those who have over 100km to drive to get to the Velodrome.


Skill Development
Most riders learning the ins & outs of our facility require a little TLC and one of the best places for that is our Monday night “Skills & Drills” sessions from 7:30-9:30 pm. Drills start off slow and simple and build from there to develop confidence and control. If you are new, plan to attend this very entertaining and development session on Monday nights.

Women's Program
During the last quarter of 2007 and into 2008, the women of the FCV have been training hard and improving their riding skills. With the help of our Trillium Foundation Grants, this program is growing every week. Currently we have 8 Junior Women and 11 Elite Women practicing in monthly camps. These camps are open to any athletic woman 13 to 35 years old.

If you know of girls or women in another sport, please encourage them to try a Track 1 Session or attend the ever evolving Velo-kids Session on a Saturday afternoon at 3 pm.

With the help of many parents we have introduced many of the women to the Velodrome, and sent them on to our regular recreational and race training sessions.

To get involved with the Women’s Program contact Dina at

Single Lap Track Record Falls
Nineteen year old Joe Volce from Fonthill, Ontario smashed the 18 month old track record for the single lap of 8.06 seconds by riding 7.85 seconds or 63.287 kph at the 138m Forest City Velodrome in London, during the preparation for cycling competition in Vancouver.

Veloce had two attempts during the 3rd Annual Christmas Camp on Saturday morning. Veloce came close on his first attempt 8.12 seconds. Twenty minutes later the new record was attained with a blistering lap over 0.2 seconds faster than the previous standard set by 1982 World Champion Gord Singleton in the spring of 2006.

Three other FCV track records fell over the weekend with Amy Biskaborn (London) setting a time of 35.36 seconds in the Flying 500m for Elite Women. In the Junior Women’s category, 16 year old Stephanie Bester (London) covered the 138m in 9.65 seconds or 51.48 kph. In the Cadet Men’s (under 17 years old) category, Jason King from Oakville completed the 138m in 9.11 seconds or 54.53 kph.

CANAMQUE Challenge
The 2008 Racing Season kicks off on Saturday, January 19th at 7 pm. The FCV will host 12 racers coming from New York City and Philadelphia, as well as 10 racers coming from Quebec.

Ontario lost the Match Sprint competition at the last Can-Am challenge in November. It’s time to raise the level and take back what belongs in London.

Three hours of family entertainment is on the schedule with a first in Canadian Track Cycling, a 4 Team Women’s Madison. These “Stars of the Future” have been acquiring the skills to introduce you, the cycling fan, to a real treat.

Endurance races will test the fitness of the Elite Men and in our developing Cadet and Junior racers. You will see the future of Track Cycling in Ontario.

Admission is $10.00, FCV Members $5.00, Kids are always free.

Expanded Track 2
In addition to the Monday Skills Session, Sunday afternoons is being set up for Track 2 Sessions for riders not being able to attend our Saturday sessions.

Email Rob Fournier at Rob@UWO.CA to find out when the next session is planned. The Rec Session from Noon - 2pm on Sunday would be a great time to prepare you for the Track 2 Session that will follow at 2 pm.

This must be pre-booked weeks in advance.

Fundraising Evening for Cycle 4 MS / FCV Women's Program
Our Elite & Junior are training and participating on a weekly basis at the Forest City Velodrome. The fundraising begins Saturday, January 19th with pledges for the women and culminates on the Friday night of Winter Nationals, February 8th.

The FCV Women’s Team needs a Team Kit and the funds to attend events in Burnaby, BC in May and Track Nationals in August.

The team would like to raise $1,500 from this appeal to kick off the program and help with the spring race in British Columbia, and an equal amount to donate to the Canadian MS Society.

Pledge Forms are available at the Velodrome or from any of the young ladies you see riding at the FCV.

The Forest City Velodrome is pleased to help support Women’s Racing in Ontario. The 50/50 Draw from the race events on January 19th and February 8th will go towards this very worthwhile project.

Look for our very competitive women at a track near you this summer.

Winter Nationals
Friday night and all day Saturday, February 8th & 9th, North America’s top cyclists will be competing in a 5 Race Championship Event.

The racers will be testing their winter fitness and competing in an Omnium style race event. The 5 events include 500/1000m (kilo) & Points Raced on Friday night at 7 pm. Saturday at noon the Individual Time Trials will be run until 5 pm. The evening session begins at 6 pm with Sprint Qualifying & Endurance Races.

Note: Special Parents Track 1 Session is planned for 9 am - 11 am on Saturday February 8th. No kids allowed.

We have up to 3 riders from the Burnaby Velodrome arriving on Thursday February 7th in the evening. We need to have them billeted for the weekend (flying home on Sunday afternoon). If you have space in your home, please let us know so we can accommodate the youth from BC and show our hospitality.

Volunteers Needed
The FCV has taken it upon ourselves to maintain and clean the Velodrome. This will save $12,000 per year. A skeleton work crew is currently coming in at 11 am – 1 pm on Saturday mornings, but we need more help. Please let us know if you are available ( Eventually we can designate specific jobs to be done every other weekend. Thanks for stepping up.

Concrete Refinisher
Looking forward into the spring, 2 major parts of the velodrome will need to be re-done. One is the tile floor in the lobby and two, the broken concrete in the front parking lot.

If you or you know someone who works with concrete, please have them contact to talk about budgeting and planning these projects.

See you at the Velodrome!


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