Canadian Cyclist


February 4/08 9:07 am - Cycling BC Junior Development Team Begins California Training Camp

Posted by Editor on 02/4/08

Cycling BC Junior Development Team Begins California Training Camp
Courtesy Richard Wooles

Day One of the inaugural warm weather training camp went well for the elite Cycling BC Junior Development Team, with riders under the age of 19 supervised by Provincial Head Coach Richard Wooles. They started off a four-hour ride under the threat of rain, but within 20 minutes the sun was out and the riding was going well.

Next came a few 20 minute blocks of Team Time Trial work just to keep things rolling well, but little did we know that the wind was just about to turn nearly 180 degrees. The next hour was straight into a block headwind, with the riders going flat out and still only averaging 18-20 km/hr.

All of the riders made it back safe and sound, and in time for the start of the Superbowl and a good bite to eat.

Roll on Day Two...

The riders here have been selected to be part of this camp, and we would
all like to thank Cloverdale Cycles ( and La Bicicletta Pro Shop ( for supporting us and making this a great camp.


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