Canadian Cyclist


February 8/08 10:22 am - UCI Begins Disciplinary Proceedings Against Michael Rasmussen

Posted by Editor on 02/8/08

UCI Begins Disciplinary Proceedings Against Michael Rasmussen
Courtesy UCI

Today the International Cycling Union (UCI) has asked the Monaco Cycling Federation, with whom Michael Rasmussen held a racing licence, to open disciplinary proceedings under the UCI Anti Doping Rules.

Michael Rasmussen has publicly acknowledged what the UCI believes to be violations of its whereabouts requirements under Rule 15.4 in the period leading up to the Tour de France 2007.

After an extensive and careful investigation of the circumstances the UCI also believes that Michael Rasmussen violated Rules 15.3 and 15.5 by evading controls in a premeditated manner and preventing controls being undertaken.

As part of the disciplinary proceedings Mr Rasmussen will be able to respond to the UCI's case as submitted to the Monaco Cycling Federation.

These violations, if proved, carry a penalty of a two year suspension.


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