Canadian Cyclist


February 13/08 9:09 am - Cycling BC to Hold DH Clinic in Squamish

Posted by Editoress on 02/13/08

Cycling BC to Hold DH Clinic in Squamish
Courtesy Cycling BC

Richard Wooles, BC Provincial Coach and High Performance Director, will be in Squamish on Sunday, February 17th to run a clinic for members of the downhill biking fraternity/sisterhood who are interested in improving their skills and moving up the competition ladder.

Richard will provide an opportunity for the young riders to assess the point they have reached in their training program, find their areas of strength and weakness as well as offer them a chance to talk to him about what assistance Cycling BC could provide to further their goals.

Three experienced coaches will bring different strengths to the clinic. Richard Wooles' many years as a coach in Britain and working for the UCI in Europe has afforded him a thorough knowledge of program planning and training for most cycling disciplines. Aleisha Cline's vast experience in both ski racing and mountain biking, is enhanced by her certification as a Conditioning Coach and Shaums March's prowess is well known - not just as a rider, but as a skilled instructor.

"We will have an chance work with each of the young athletes," says Cline. "We want to help them with three key aspects of training: power and strength, mental preparation and balance and agility."

"When you are engaged in a sport of this nature," chips in Shaums March, "your concentration has to be complete and you are constantly making split second decisions. It looks easy when you watch riders flowing down a hill, but it is hard work. You need strength, flexibility, endurance, the ability to anticipate and a good memory. Oh, and let's not forget courage!"

"We are really pleased with the response," Richard Wooles adds. "We have heard from 21 riders right off the bat. I think BC has exceptional strength in this area and I want to do everything I can to offer support. I am actively seeking financial assistance so that I can help some of these young people on their way to achieve their goals. Many riders are anticipating three trips to Quebec (two Canada Cups, The Nationals and two of the World Cup races will be held in Bromont, Mt Tremblant & Mt Ste Anne), plus Europe and the States - I want to be able to help them along where I can. To do that successfully, I have to meet them and listen to their views."

The session will be held at Club Flex on Sunday morning. Squamish is a central spot which most people can reach fairly easily, and distance is not deterring riders coming over from the Island for a chance to give Mr. Wooles their input and find out more about 'where they are at'.

Contact Cycling BC for more information.


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