Canadian Cyclist


February 14/08 8:35 am - BMX in Ontario Summer Games Thanks to Kingston BMX

Posted by Editor on 02/14/08

BMX in Ontario Summer Games Thanks to Kingston BMX
Courtesy Nicky Pearson, OCA BMX Growth and Development

Due to the outstanding reputation, organizational structure and leadership at KBMX; and the support of the great City of Kingston, the OCA and OSG Games Operating Committee have awarded the 2008 Ontario Summer Games BMX Race to KBMX.

Athletes will be attending the Opening Ceremonies at Carleton Place University on Wed. Aug 13, will remain overnight in the Athletes Village where they will enjoy a festive, Olympic like atmosphere, and will be transported to Kingston for the race on Thursday August 14th. (Logistics still be be determined).

The OCA would like to thank KBMX for accepting the challenge! We had to find a facility that meets national and international standards to hold this race in the Eastern part of Ontario, and Kingston certainly fit the bill. Already busy with a number of upcoming International Events, Todd Harper, President, KBMX was eager to jump on board and is dedicated to making the 2008 Ontario Summer Games the event to remember for the participants.

In addition, the OCA will be looking for a core group of 10 people that will oversee the officiating, chaperoning and assist with the organization of race day. There is renumeration for these positions. If your child qualifies for 2008 OSG, get involved!

The 2008 Ontario Provincial Championships have been moved to Saturday July 19th (from August 16th) as they are the main qualifier for the Ontario Summer Games. Please keep an eye on the OCA website for complete qualification criteria and other pertinent OSG information.

Thanks to KBMX for stepping up!


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