Canadian Cyclist


February 19/08 2:34 am - Rocky Mountain Bicycles 2008 XC Team Announcement

Posted by Editoress on 02/19/08

Rocky Mountain Bicycles 2008 XC Team
Courtesy Rocky Mountain Bicycles

Rocky Mountain Bicycles announces Olympic ambitious cross-country team. Headed by Silver medalists Marie-Hélène Prémont (Athens 2004) and Alison Sydor (Atlanta 1996), Rocky Mountain bikes looks to add a hat trick to its long standing history at the Olympics. Our team's deep talent pool will also see competition at World Cups, NORBAs and a continued effort in the epic market that will include events such as Trans Rockies (, Trans Alps, Trans Germany and the BC Bike Race (

Along with Marie-Hélène Prémont and Alison Sydor, Jean Anne McKirdy will return, after an amazing year in 2007 that began in South Africa with her and her partner battling for the lead in the mixed category of the Cape Epic they eventually finished third.

Along with the women of RMB, we will see Max Plaxton 2006 World Champion Bronze medalist and Raphaël Gagné pursue World Cup and Olympic dreams. These two young men have represented Canada for the last few years and are poised to make a large impact on the mountain bike scene. Andreas Hestler, three time winner of the Trans Rockies will be back for select events and along with Max have planned to attack the BC Bike Race. On the epic front Alison and teammates Carsten Bresser and Pia Sundsted from the German squad 'Bike Action-Rocky Mountain Bicycles' will share duties on the Trans Germany and the Trans Alps and the World Cup Marathon series.

This season promises to be one of the best on record as the team welcomes Peter Vallance as the new Manager. Peter has been getting his hands dirty with bikes for more than twelve years and has crewed for several professional mountain bike teams including six years with the Canadian National Team.

Keep your antennae tuned to the news to see what's going on with Rocky Mountain Bicycles during the 2008 season (


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