Canadian Cyclist


February 26/08 3:33 am - CCES Conducts 843 Tests in Final '07 Quarter

Posted by Editor on 02/26/08

CCES Conducts 843 Tests in Final '07 Quarter
Courtesy CCES

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) conducted a total of 843 doping control tests between October and December 2007. The domestic doping control program accounted for 662 of these tests, with over 99% of athletes testing clean. The commitment of Canadian athletes to doping-free sport is clear. 22 Out of Competition (OOC) tests were conducted in Cycling during the period - the tenth most among the 51 sports tested, and sixth in OOC testing.

Five anti-doping rule violations were reported during the quarter. A sledge hockey athlete received the first-ever CADP sanction for failing to report whereabouts, as the CCES extended the efficacy of its Code-compliant athlete whereabouts program. A CIS football athlete received a two-year sanction for cocaine, and an athletics athlete served three months for ephedrine. In addition, two athletes in college and university football received a warning and reprimand for cannabis violations.


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