Canadian Cyclist


February 27/08 9:37 am - UCI News

Posted by Editor on 02/27/08

UCI News

Technology and cycle sports: creation of two new working groups

The UCI Management Committee has approved the creation of two new working groups which were proposed by and will be connected to the road commission.

The first will treat the question of radio transmissions and coaching during competitions. In particular, it will consider the use of earphones. The second will examine the lines of conduct that should be adopted regarding the protection of the environment during cycling events.

After thorough investigations, these two ad hoc working groups will draw up a list of propositions which will be put to the Management Committee in Copenhagen in June.

UCI anti-doping budget for 2008 represents almost 6.5 million euro

With the introduction of the "100% against doping" programme in 2007, and the implementation of the biological passport in 2008, both of which affect professional road cycling, the UCI anti-doping budget has increased considerably. This year, it comes to nearly 6.5 million euro.

The biological passport alone represents expenditure of almost 5 million euro. In addition to the passport, the "100% against doping" programme also encompasses in-competition testing (approx. EUR 300,000) and training and prevention activities (over EUR 60,000), bringing the cost of the programme as a whole to almost EUR 5.5 million.

The overall anti-doping budget for the other disciplines is over EUR 1.1 million (in-competition testing: EUR 330,000; out-of-competition tests: EUR 206,000; training: EUR 125,000; personnel and general expenses: EUR 460,000).

In an effort to ensure transparency, the UCI has decided to publish its complete pro forma anti-doping budget for 2008 (in euro and Swiss francs).


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