Canadian Cyclist


April 4/08 12:58 pm - Prince Edward County Needs Cyclists to Oppose Proposed ATV By-law

Posted by Editor on 04/4/08

Prince Edward County Needs Cyclists to Oppose Proposed ATV By-law

As a cyclist who has been cycling (road and mountain) in Prince Edward County for over a decade (and enjoying every minute of it!) and as a close personal friend of Rick and kt of the Bloomfield Bicycle Company, I am reaching out to you for whatever help you may be able to provide. Below is an email I received from kt Misener (one half owner of the Bloomfield Bicycle Company AND Empress for Life). I have read the letter to the editor, the proposed by-law, the deposition to council and have voted on the County's survey.

I wondered what else I could do and since I am a frequent reader of CC, I am contacting CC for help. As you are most likely aware, the Milford 200th Anniversary O-Cup races are slated to be held in the County in June. It promises to be a huge event that will attract multitudes of cyclists to the County. I was hoping you could somehow work this into the Daily News or if that is not possible, let me know whether I should post something in the Forums. I know sometimes the forums get kinda ... how do I put this ... juvenile? so I believe that the Daily News renders it more newsworthy and worth reading because you put it there. It's always the first thing I read when I go to your site.

Please see what you can do because the County is really, really a special place for road and mountain biking and it would be a shame to have it ruined by the ATV crowd. The cycling community needs to speak up and I believe CC is a represents a large segment of the cycling community.

Thanks so much,
Peter Murk

From: Bloomfield Bicycle Company

Subject: ATV bylaw survey

Greetings and salutations to all,

First of all, please excuse this mass email. We would not take this type of drastic action unless we really needed your help. We have returned to Prince Edward County and opened up our happy little bike shop with big smiles on our face and happy cycling dreams in our heart ... (cue the minor key music) only to find

... that there is a proposed by-law on the books in beautiful, cycling friendly Prince Edward County, to allow ATVs onto the Roads! As cyclists this puts us in a very precarious position on the roads and on the trails. Please check out my letter to the editor, the proposed by-law, the Bloomfield Bicycle Club's official deposition to council and then please visit the County website's blog and vote NO on the County's survey.

Help us save the sides of County Roads for bicycles and pedestrians. Help us preserve the quality of our earspace, eyespace and environment by convincing our local council that allowing ATVs on the road, and allowing them to travel up to 50km/hr is NOT what we want.

Thanks for your assistance and we look forward to seeing all your smiling faces with cheeks red from riding at the bike shop sometime this summer

True wheels and tailwinds
kt - empress for life
bloomfield bicycle company


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