Canadian Cyclist


April 9/08 10:14 am - Squamish Slow Ride Set for Highway 99

Posted by Editoress on 04/9/08

Squamish Slow Ride Set for Highway 99

Organizers expect northbound traffic through Squamish along Highway 99 to slow to a gentle pedal on the evening of Friday, April 18 as 100 or more cyclists are anticipated in the first "Squamish Slow Ride."

The event is planned as a means to raise awareness of issues around the highway that bisects the community

"If there's a unifying element in the community these days, it's frustration over the highway," said organizer Paul Demers.

Significant cycling and pedestrian traffic is forced onto the highway and the slow ride organizers want to remind drivers of that. They also hope to demonstrate to the District of Squamish and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways of the need for action on a proper multi-use commuter trail in the valley.

"As a bicycle commuter, I've seen several very frightening situations along the highway," said Demers. "I think that we're lucky that we haven't had a fatality involving a cyclist or a pedestrian."

The "Slow Ride" is scheduled to begin at the south end of the valley at 6:00 pm on April 18 and the cycling procession will make its way north to Garibaldi Way at a steady cycling pace.

"We're not planning to stop traffic, just to slow them down to give drivers time to reflect on the way they drive through the community," Demers said. "We expect to be done our ride and have the highway cleared by no later than 6:30."

Demers also hopes that local traffic will plan for the ride and keep the highway traffic to a minimum.

"If you know you have to travel north through Squamish around that time, then plan to leave a little earlier or a little later. Otherwise, choose an alternate route along Government Road or Logger's Lane, but remember that those are routes with cyclists and pedestrians as well."

Anyone interested in participating in the event should meet in the lot by the hospital by 5:45 and be prepared for a 6:00 pm sharp start. All riders must wear helmets and ensure that their bikes are in good working order.

For more information, email


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