Canadian Cyclist


April 22/08 4:52 am - Fan Mail for Anne Samploniu

Posted by Editoress on 04/22/08

We received the following e-mail from a Dutch cousin of Anne Samplonius, who provided the most heartfelt description of pride we have seen in a while:

Goodmorning, Dear Lady / Sir,

Anne SAMPLONIUS wins Ronde Van Gelderland. And i see her WIN!!!!

Well, I hope you can read my very bad, or worse English grammar. I never learn it on school but as a retired Long Distance Trucker I learn different languages on road-side. Sorry for that.

First let me tell you more about myself. Anne is a second cousin from me, and I have her never seen before. The first time I saw her was April 13 in De Ronde Van Drenthe, Hoogeveen -Holland.

Before the start in Apeldoorn she told me her legs are not OK. She started as latest and WIN!
After 75 kilometres right before the first clime ( Zijpenberg ) she was i guess number 120, but than it's happen, a miracle!!!!!!!!!!! After another 15 kilometres she was number 6 in the race. In the city of Apeldoorn the lady's has another 3 rounds (Laps) to go, the first round she was number 5 , the second round she was number 6, and than she GO, like a SCANIA diesel truck!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER STOP! She win!! Number two on 10 seconds. A great racer SOLID AS A ROCK, 40 years young..........WOW!!!!

Ha-ha, i gives her a lot Huggy's and a big kiss. She deserve all.

I am real proud to her, yes!!

With kind regards, Gerard SAMPLONIUS.


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