Canadian Cyclist


April 23/08 12:17 pm - Atlantic Cycling Centre News: Sprockids Program 2008 Registration Info, Peter Wedge Program 2008

Posted by Editoress on 04/23/08

Courtesy Atlantic Cycling Centre

Sprockids Program 2008 - Time to Register

Spring is once again upon us, and the National Cycling Centre, in Dieppe, is proud to announce the start of another great season. Again in 2008, the Cycling Academy will play host to many youth learn to bike programs.

Among those, the Sprockids Program offers youth 9 to 12 years of age the opportunity, through cycling, to develop the skills, values and strategies that will benefit them throughout their lives and enable them to successfully reach their full potential.

Participants will develop skills to allow them to safely enjoy and explore the adventures of cycling. This program is the first step in an integrated participant's development model for cycling and opens the doors to a lifetime of opportunities.

The program will start on May 3rd and run once a week (Saturday mornings) and then go until June 21st. We also invite participants from the previous years to participate in phase 2 of the program to get full certification.

For more information or to register please contact us at 877-7809.

Peter Wedge Program - A Cycling Program for Kids Ages 12 to 15

The Peter Wedge Program was run as a pilot program in 2007, and proved to be a great success. This program is targeting young cyclists who are looking to learn advanced skills and the basics of bike racing.

This program touches the Learn to Train aspect of the cycling Long Term Athlete Development spectrum. At this stage, we focus on all four cycling disciplines (mountain biking, road, track and BMX). One of the most important periods of motor development for children is between the ages of 12 and 14.

For years, one name stood on top the cycling in Atlantic Canada: Peter Wedge. When the Centre was developed and the first generation of young athletes was coming through, we quickly realized how respected Peter was as an athletes and a person by up and coming cyclists in this region. Peter's career reflected many of the value desired to be reflected by such program.

Those values being the ones desired to be projected by such program. These values will also enable the program to respect the Sport Canada Learning to Train to-do list:

• Further develop all fundamental movement skills and teach general, overall sports skills. Otherwise, a significant window of opportunity is lost, compromising the ability of the young player/athlete to reach full potential.

• Develop strength using exercises that incorporate the child's own body weight as well as Medicine balls and Swiss balls.

• Introduce hopping and bounding exercises or routines, or wheeling up gradients, to aid in strength development.

• Further develop endurance through games and relays.

• Further develop flexibility through exercises.

• Further develop speed by using specific activities that focus on agility, quickness, and change of direction during the warm-up.

• Structure competition to address differences in training age and abilities.

• Identify sports the child enjoys and is predisposed towards success. Narrow the focus to 3 sports.

• Introduce single periodization noting that some sports such as swimming and tennis need to use double periodization to adequately address the sport's unique needs.

• Apply a ratio of 70 per cent training to 30 per cent competition. The 30 per cent ratio includes competition and competition-specific training. These percentages vary according to sport and individual specific needs. Athletes undertaking this type of preparation are better prepared for competition in both the short- and long-term than those who focus solely on winning.

• Encourage unstructured play.

At the conclusion of this program, it is expected the participants will understand the basics of all disciplines as well as start to understand the importance of good practice and training. We will also assist them during New Brunswick calendar specific events.

The program will start on May 5th and run once a week until the end of the school year and then go to twice a week for the rest of the summer. For more information or to register please contact the Centre at 877-7809.


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