Canadian Cyclist


May 15/08 9:07 am - Ghostly SEA PEI Bicycle Tour

Posted by Editoress on 05/15/08

Ghostly SEA PEI Bicycle Tour Kicks Off May 24

For the first time in the history of Prince Edward Island, a five-day bicycle tour will be exploring ghosts, legends, and stories about hidden treasures across P.E.I.'s scenic roads.

This five-day Tour is occurring at various dates throughout the Spring and Summer.

Day one of the tour is on Saturday, May 24. The Tour begins in O'Leary at Access PEI and travels to West Point on the North Cape Coastal Drive to North Cape, then continues on the east side of the Drive through Alberton and Cascumpec, before returning to O'Leary.

There are two ride options for participants: the full course (163 km) or the partial course (103 km). The full course will feature a Legend Leader who will share stories of each community along the way.

The ride is self-supported, using each community's stores and restaurants to sustain the riders for the day.

Some of the stories that will be featured on Day One of the Tour is Cap'n Kidd's hidden treasure at West Point where treasure hunters continue to visit, the tale of an assassination plot of an entire culture that started off the Mimmegash Wharf, the haunting of a ghost lady that walks the Port Hill community road, the world-class cyclist born in Alberton who captured the heart and spirit of a community, and the returning of the ghost that continues to walk the floor of a church in Tignish.

The event was developed by Ken Trenholm, President of the Summerside Cycling Club. Trenholm views this event as one way to keep the Island traditions alive.

"Our island has an incredible past and history. Our stories are as unique as our people and our island."

Trenholm sees that by combining Island history and bicycling scenic P.E.I. in one pedal stroke, he is able to bring people together to help build a stronger sense of the Island: the past and the future.

"It is easy to sit by and watch the changes * to be an observer. This Tour puts people on the same road that was travelled by our forefathers and foremothers, learning about our history while using a mode of transportation that was invented for just that: transportation."

"All of us lose sight at some point in our lives. This Tour is about helping people see and enjoy where we were and where we are today. In short, to see the beauty of our Island the way it is meant to be enjoyed: on the saddle of a bicycle."

The other days and start locations for the SEA PEI Bicycle Tour are: June 21 (Summerside), July 5 (Victoria by the Sea), and July 19 and 20 (Brundenell). Starting times are 9 a.m.

The cost for participation is free for Summerside Cycling Club members, $50 for non-cycling association members, or $20 for people who have a provincial cycling association membership. This fee covers the cost for all five days.

The Tour is also the official training series of the Biking for Breakfast Challenge Presented by the Dairy Farmers of Canada. Visit for more information.

To pre-register or for more information, visit www.summersidecycling/seapei or send Trenholm an email at or call 902-888-3878. You can also register the day of the event.


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