Canadian Cyclist


May 23/08 7:30 am - World Naked Bike Ride Day Approaches

Posted by Editor on 05/23/08

World Naked Bike Ride - Vancouver

Naked Cyclists Take to the Streets!

Vancouver will experience the exposed joy and participate in the world's largest naked protest against oil dependency and car culture. It's time to stop indecent exposure to automobile emissions! Hundreds of cyclists will ride in various stages of undress - reclaiming the streets as sexy, self-propelled citizens. Come join the naked bicycle people power!

The Vancouver ride starts Saturday, June 7, 2:00pm at Sunset Beach (corner of Beach and Bute).

Body painting and performances will take place before the ride. Arrive between 12 Noon and 2:00pm to catch some of the action and some of the paint! A picnic following the ride will be hosted by NIFTY ( The ride, pre and post-ride activities are all free.

Please download, print and distribute posters and flyers for the ride (or make your own!):

Naked bike riding tips

* Prepare for riding rain or shine!
* If it's sunny, put on sunscreen!
* You do not have to be naked to join the ride.
* Wear shoes!
* If you're shy, we start the ride with some clothing on and then stop away from the crowds to get more bare!
* Keep your clothes with you - you never know when you may need them (like ... after the ride).
* Decorate your bike! Come with signs and funky hats! Cover your bike seat with fun fur!
* Ride safely and stay together as a group.
* Tell your friends! Spread the word!

For more information, visit or email


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