Canadian Cyclist


May 24/08 9:00 am - CCES Doping Control Statistics for 2007-2008

Posted by Editor on 05/24/08

CCES Doping Control Statistics for 2007-2008
Courtesy CCES

99.3% of Canadian athletes proved their commitment to clean sport

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) completed another record number of doping control tests over the fiscal year, a total of 3,551 from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008. The CCES also helped strengthen the impact of doping control across the board by helping other organizations implement doping control programs in their own jurisdictions. New anti-doping programs have been developed for a semi-professional league, a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) regional anti-doping organization, and Canada‚s own organizing committee for the Vancouver 2010 Games.

"Canadian athletes have an interest in the expansion of doping control into new territory, and in the reinforcement of existing programs," said Paul Melia, CEO of the CCES. "Our stats prove that the vast majority are playing clean - and the CCES is committed to ensuring that they are competing on a level playing field."

Cycling had the fourth highest number of tests, with 47 In Competition and 106 Out of Competition tests conducted, for a total of 153 tests. Cycling was behind Athletics (305 tests), Swimming (180 tests) and Canoe/Kayak (167 tests).


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