Canadian Cyclist


June 3/08 12:24 pm - Club News: Argyll Velodrome Assoc., Oak Bay Wheelers Weekly TT, Blizzard Bike Club, Owen Sound CC

Posted by Editoress on 06/3/08

Edmonton Argyll Velodrome Association
Maciej Rocki, Argyll Velodrome

Edmonton Argyll Velodrome holds races every Thursday night. The schedule runs from May 8th until the end of August. There are three groups, A, B and C, and, the races include everyone from beginners to national level cyclists.

Standings as of May 29th

Dan Rosichuk (C)33pts
Alyssa Edgerton (C)29
Samuel Beaudoin (C)19
Samantha Grover (C)11
Marcy Dibbs (C)9
Alex ? (C)0
Dave Embury (B)29pts
Randy Murchison (B)18
Ed Sumbar (B)10
Mark Labrenz (B)10
Tracy Shearer (B)5
Adam Todd (B)5
Maryann Heacock (B)1
John Stephens (B)0
John Chang (B)0
Jeff Bakel (A)36pts
Nick Jendzjowsky (A)19
Dylan Menard (A)18
Matt Wheatley (A)14
Alex McCormick (A)9.5
Paul Ermantrout (A)8
Ed Heacock (A)7
Tara Whitton (A)7
Kyle Harris (A)3
Doug Cameron (A)3
Chris Rubuliak (A)3
Brad Remenda (A)1
Chris Dunbar (A)0
Kevin Coghlan (A)0

Full results (PDF)

Oak Bay Wheelers Midweek Time Trial # 7 Nanaimo BC
Courtesy Peter McCaffery

May 29th

Coming up
Next week: 33km/15km option
June 12th. 2 up 20km TTT

Women's 15kmTime
1. Shailie Sanbrooks. OBB)25:24
2. Sue Handel (Ind.)27:32
3. Michelle James (Tri BC)29:23
4. Leigh Blaney (Tri BC)33:21
Men's 15kmTime
1. Stefan Jacobson (Frontrunners)23:0
2. Dan Frey (Frontrunners)23:14
3. Menno Jonsma (Dr. Walker)23:27
4. Norman Thibault (Frontrunners)23:35
5. Bob Kerr (Ind.)24:41
6. Mike James (HCF)25:5
7. Ian Hay (HCF)26:10
8. Gregor Conti (Ind.)26:41
5km YouthTime
1. Derek Larson (HCF)12:23
2. Curran Jonsma (HCF)12:27
3. Brodie Hay (HCF)15:22
Standings after 7 Events
1. Shailie Sanbrooks (OBB)58pys
2. Michelle James (Tri BC)37
3. Sue Handel (Ind.)30
4. Rose Houle (Tri BC)25
5. Charlene Hay (HCF)23
6. Janet Oxler (Frontrunners)14
7. Wendy Simm (Kona)12
8. Alex Berlingette (Tri BC)9
9. Leigh Blaney (Tri BC)8
1. Tony Winter (OBB)53pts
2. Dan Frey (Frontrunners)49
3. Dave Steen (BC Masters)44
4. Robin Dutton (Arrowsmith)36
5. Norman Thibault (Frontrunners)27
6. Ross Palfrey (Arrowsmith)26
7. Menno Jonsma (Dr. Walker)22
8. Mike James (HCF)18
9. Ian Hay (HCF)18
10. Bob Kerr (Ind.)17
11. Ryan Smith (Arrowsmith)14
12. Ian MacLeod (Ind.)13
13. Stefan jacobson (Frontrunners)12
14. Elijah Buffalo (Hobbema)10
15. Wayne Haju (Ind.)9
16. Jon Bird (Ind.)8
17. Al Shirley (Ind.)7
18. Dave Kenny (OBB)5
19. Gregor Conti (Ind.)4
1. Brodie Hay (HCF)47pts
2. Curran Jonsma (HCF)36
3. Derek Larson (HCF)32
4. Jackson James (HCF)32

Blizzard Bike Club Fort St. John, BC

May 31st

Riders from Dawson Creek, Prince George and Fort St. John met Saturday at the Baldonnel School to try for positions on the Zone 8, ages 13-16, BC Summer Games team. Competition was very close, indeed.

Adam Bilodeau won the time trial with a time of 9:05 minutes for the 5 km distance. Patrick Hopkins of DC was second at 9:10 and James Hopkins third at 9:18. Katrina Framst was 4th at 11:43.

The 10 km road race featured a three way sprint for first with James Hopkins edging out his brother Patrick and Adam Bilodeau for the win. They had a time of 18:41. Katrina Framst was 4th at 24:45.

The BC Summer Games is happening July 24-27 in Kelowna. Coaches Trisha Gladysz and Stephen Ferris will be going with the team, as well.
Anyone that could not make it to the selection race should call Pat at 250-785-3711, ASAP if they would like more information.

Coming up:
-Thursday Baldonnel time trial at 7 pm.
-Sunday Challenge Cup mountain bike race at Nordic Trails Park.

Owen Sound CC - Kemble 21K TT

May 27th

Timers : Mary and Scott Thomson
Course Corner Marshals - Chris LaForest and Tom Hakala
Riders : Only 14 brave souls
Conditions : Cold, but Sunny; 8 degrees C ; Stiff North Breeze ; a tough ride!

Scott Thomson, 32:44
Scott Vining, 33:46
Greg Nicol, 33:50
Stan Walter, 35:33
Jason Rody, 35:44
Ed deLaPlante, 36:05
Peter Beisel, 38:13
John Brown, 38:47
Keith Brown, 39:13
Joachim Ostertag , 40:51
Trevor Stokes , 41:40
Stephen LaForest , 42:47
Don Wilkinson , 42:48
Jane Thomson - flat

To all interested MTB riders.

Fred Zottl is setting a course in the West Rocks on Wednesday for a School Bike race. Great course planned. He is willing to leave the course markings up if someone wants to run a Club TT or Race. I will help organize if someone wants to time/officiate. Let me know at

If it goes it will start at the double track intersection top of the east side West Rocks up the snowmobile trail access from the end of 7th St West.


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