Canadian Cyclist


June 8/08 11:26 am - Milford 200 Cycling Weekend

Posted by Editoress on 06/8/08

Milford 200 Cycling Weekend - Ontario RR Cup #5 Milford, Prince Edward County ON

Master 3 Men - 47.4 km - Average Speed 36.3 km/h)
1. Paul Bradbury (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMMB.3)1:18:25
2. Dennis Poort (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
3. Derek De Gannes (Madonna Wheelers Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
4. Geoff Clarke (Brampton Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
5. Paul Heffler (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMB.3)
6. Rod Nicholle (Independent - RMMA.3)
7. David Chong (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
8. Fred Zottl (Arrow Racing - RMMC.3)
9. Robert Massicotte (Cyclepath Markham - RMMC.3)
10. Jesse Demb (Independent - RMMA.3)
11. Christopher Barcus (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
12. Rob West (Project Freeride - RMMA.3)
13. Rodrigo Arenas (Independent - RMMA.3)
14. Mark Besednik (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
15. Dan Robertson (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
16. Bob Haufler (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
17. Donovan Williams (Independent - RMMB.3)
18. Andy Selin (Cycle Cambridge-Grg Racing - RMMB.3)
19. Petr Civin (Independent - RMMA.3)
20. Ron Baines (Ciclo Werks - RMMC.3)
21. Chester Kasprzak (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
22. David Conroy (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMA.3)
23. Rodolfo Maspoch (Independent - RMMA.3)
24. Gary Cluett (Zm Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
25. Michael White (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMA.3)all s.t.
26. Steve Cornall (Independent - RMM.3)0:08
27. David Hall (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMB.3)s.t.
28. Mark Petty (Aztech / Cyclepath Kingston - RMMB.3)0:25
29. Ron Ferreira (Independent - RMMC.3)09:50
30. David Tompkins (The Hub Bicycle Club - RMMB.3)s.t.
31. Rob Legge (Bloomfield Bicycle Company - RMMD.3)11:48
32. Saejoon Koh (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)14:13
33. James Wadleigh (Speedriver.Com - RMMD.3)19:39
34. Hilary Amolins (Independent - RMMC.3)24:18
35. Harry Harrison (Independent - RMMB.3)s.t.
DNS. Len Ramsay (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
DNS. David Starrs (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMB.3)
NP. Jason Camp (Independent - RMMA.3)
NP. Jaret Gracey (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
Elite 4 Men - 47.4 km - Average Speed 36.3 km/h
1. Brandon Tulloch (Independent - RMU23.4)1:18:25
2. Brandon Parker (Independent - RME.4)
3. Mark Palma (Sweet Pete's - RME.4)
4. Jon Dumouchel (Gearheads - RME.4)all s.t.
5. Paul Parker (Darkhorse Flyers - RME.4)0:02
6. Chris Brunet (Euro-Sports.Ca / Foodery Cycli - RME.4)
7. Andrew Paradowski (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
8. Scott Milligan (Lapdogs - RME.4)
9. Glen Morton (Independent - RME.4)
10. Matthew Palmer (Independent - RME.4)
11. Colin Simpson (Independent - RME.4)all s.t.
12. Chat Ortved (Independent - RME.4)0:08
DNF. Aditya Murthy (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.4)
DNS. Robb Derkatz (Brampton Cycling Club - RME.4)
Cadet Men - 47.4 km - Average Speed 37.0 km/h
1. Jason King (Cyclepath Oakville - RMU17)1:16:51
2. Alex Cataford (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMU17)
3. Jordan Kremblewski (Gears Bike Shop Club - RMU17)
4. Trevor Dickenson (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17)
5. Kyle Rupay (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMU17)
6. Jason Massicotte (Cyclepath Markham - RMU17)
7. Travis Samuel (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMU15)
8. Jeff Tompkins (The Hub Bicycle Club - RMU17)all s.t.
9. Justin Zottl (Gears Bike Shop Club - RMU17)0:08
10. John Carden (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17)s.t.
11. Kiernan Orange (Ride With Rendall - RMU17)02:40
12. Kristopher Ovsenek (London Cycling Club - RMU15)04:08
13. Jamie Banks (Independent - RMU17)s.t.
14. Philip English (Kawartha Cycling Club - RMU17)39:08
DNF. David Campbell (Cyclepath Oakville - RMU17)
DQ. Matthew Gallo (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMU17)
DQ. Ian Campbell (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RMU17)
Junior Women - 47.4 km - Average Speed 31.9 km/h
1. Katie Spittlehouse (The Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RWJ)1:29:05
2. Laura Bietola (3 Rox Racing - RWU17)
3. Florence Laplante-Lamarche (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RWU17)
4. Krista Ruby (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWJ)all s.t.
Elite 3 Women - 47.4 km - Average Speed 31.9 km/h
1. Amy Biskaborn (Reynold Cycle - RWE.3)1:29:06
2. Anouk Dey (Anouk Dey - RWE.3)
3. Lisa Cook (Big Turks - RWE.3)
4. Nicole Wechsel (Big Turks - RWE.3)all s.t.
5. Pamela Allan (Independent - RWE.3)0:03
Master A Women - 47.4 km - Average Speed 31.9 km/h
1. Lucinda Wallace (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWMA)1:29:06
DNS. Rhonda Hall-Couch (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMA)
Master B Women - 47.4 km - Average Speed 31.9 km/h
1. Lori Kofman (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMB)1:29:07
2. Kathy Lewis (Ti Cycle Racing - RWMB)
3. Samera Fares (Independent - RWMB)bot: s.t.
DNS. Lesley Gallinger (Midweek Cycling Club - RWMB)
Master 2 Men - 79 km - Average Speed 36.0 km/h
1. Tony Routley (Team Whistler - RMMC.2)2:11:32
2. Mike Peshko (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RMMB.2)
3. Chris Olson (The Cyclery - RMMB.2)
4. Robert C.n. Anderson (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.2)
5. Jeremy Mclennan (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMA.2)
6. Matthias Schmidt (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
7. Philip Palmer (Mazur Coaching - RMM.2)
8. Derek Koops (Zm Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
9. Rick Meloff (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.2)
10. Ian J. Scott (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RMMB.2)
11. Mark Shaw (Chain Reaction - RMMC.2)
12. Julian Howitt (Cycle Cambridge-Grg Racing - RMMA.2)
13. Marc Booth (Independent - RMMB.2)
14. Geoffrey Morgan (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
15. Chris Bartholomew (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
16. Colin Funk (J & J Cycle - RMMC.2)
17. George Hobson (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
18. Rob Good (Forest City Velodrome Assoc - RMMC.2)
19. Bruce Camacho (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMD.2)
20. Marc Sullivan (Independent - RMMB.2)
21. Marc Mazer (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
22. Mauro Rizzardo (Invita Racing - RMMA.2)
23. Chris Chambers (Team R.A.C.E - RMMB.2)
24. Leo St. Germain (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMC.2)
25. Andrew Hannaford (Project Freeride - RMMA.2)
26. Sean Wright (The Cyclery - RMMB.2)
27. Rob Cheskey (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMC.2)
28. James Bongard (Sound Solutions - RMMA.2)
29. Steven Bonisteel (J & J Cycle - RMMB.2)
30. Ernie Tataryn (Pedal Performance - RMMC.2)all s.t.
31. Scott Sexsmith (Independent - RMMA.2)0:21
32. Phill Vermette (G. Caboto Velo Club - RMMB.2)02:16
DNF. Peter Conn (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMB.2)
DNF. Ken Macdermid (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
DNF. Kevin Mclean (Cycle Cambridge-Grg Racing - RMMB.2)
DNF. Jonathan Mitchell (Invita Racing - RMMB.2)
DNF. Fred Pepper (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMB.2)
DNF. Simon Smith (Ti Cycle Racing - RMMA.2)
DNF. Gary Vienneau (Ti Cycle Racing - RMMC.2)
DNS. John Elliot (Independent - RMMB.2)
Elite 3 Men - 79 km - Average Speed 36.1 km/h
1. Dominik Kubicki (Ertc - RME.3)2:11:15
2. Justin Kitney (Aztech / Cyclepath Kingston - RME.3)
3. William Kowalczyk (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RME.3)
4. Chad Mussen (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.3)
5. Philip Cates (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)all s.t.
6. Thomas Lees (Speedriver.Com - RME.3)0:26
7. Matthew Jeffries (Project Freeride - RME.3)s.t.
8. Doug Hinan (Peterborough Cycling Club - RME.3)0:36
9. Mark Cascella (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
10. Michael Seppa (Sudbury Cycling Club - RME.3)
11. Zachary Jones (Mazurcoaching.Com - RME.3)
12. Ryan Phelps (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RME.3)
13. Charles Dumas (Su13.Us/Raceclean.Org - RME.3)all s.t.
14. Jason Henrie (Sudbury Cycling Club - RME.3)0:41
15. Erik Box (The Hub Bicycle Club - RME.3)s.t.
16. David Grose (Bikesports Racing Team - RMU23.3)0:56
17. John Mcinulty (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.3)02:18
18. John Stewart (Cycle Cambridge-Grg Racing - RME.3)02:39
DNF. Andrew Davy (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RME.3)
DNS. Trevor Doyle (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.3)
DNS. Adam Rothschild (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
NP. Timothy Burton (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Clu - RMU23.3)
Junior Men - 79 km - Average Speed 35.9 km/h
1. Kevin Massicotte (Cyclepath Markham - RMJ)2:11:52
2. Colin Reinholt (Gears Bike Shop Club - RMJ)
3. Ricardo Perea (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMJ)
4. Marc-olivier Jussaume (Eva-Devinci - RMJ)
5. Trevor Damen (Euro-Sports.Ca/ Foodery Cyclin - RMJ)
6. Matt Degiacomo (The Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RMJ)
7. Brody Pasciullo (The Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RMJ)
8. Derek Harnden (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMJ)
9. Logan Cornel (Euro-Sports.Ca/ Foodery Cyclin - RMJ)
10. Christopher Bradbury (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMJ)all s.t.
11. Sam Loud (Rollin' Thunder Bike Club - RMJ)0:18
12. Matteo Dal-Cin (Euro-Sports.Ca/ Foodery Cyclin - RMJ)03:18
13. Ian Turner (Ncch - RMJ)04:12
DNF. Jordan Cheyne (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMJ)
DNF. Dylan Wing (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMJ)
DNF. Mitchell Woodman (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMJ)
Elite 1 & 2 Women - 63.2 km - Average Speed 30.9 km/h
1. Natasha Elliott (Emd Serono / Stevens - RWE.1)2:02:53
2. Melissa Bunn (Waterloo Cycling Club - RWE.2)0:12
3. Jill Vale (Team Polar Canada - RWE.1)
4. Leigh Bianco (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWE.2)
5. Claire Michel (Aztech / Cyclepath Kingston - RWE.2)all s.t.
6. Christiane Knobbe (Midweek Cycling Club - RWE.2)0:54
7. Sigrid Ziegler (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RWE.2)02:48
Elite 1 & 2 Men - 126.4 km - Average Speed 38.6 km/h
1. Derrick St. John (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)3:16:17
2. Jeffery Schiller (London Centennial Wheelers - RME.1)0:31
3. Bryson Bowers (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMU23.1)s.t.
4. Jamie Riggs (Team Ultralink - RMU23.2)0:41
5. Ryan Aitcheson (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMJ)01:44
6. Peter Morse (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)02:53
7. Ed Veal (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)s.t.
8. Ryan Nye (Preferred Care Cycling - RMU23.2)03:53
9. Aaron Fillion (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RME.1)04:00
10. Andrew Bradbury (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMU23.2)05:20
11. Marco Li (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.2)05:28
12. Evan Mundy (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RMU23.2)05:34
13. Vince De Jong (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU23.2)s.t.
14. Charlie Bryer (Ciclo Werks Presents Tempo 88 - RMU23.1)06:11
15. Josh Gillingham (The Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RMU23.2)07:35
16. Thomas Hums (Sudbury Cycling Club - RMU23.2)
17. Wentworth Knipe (Coachchris.Ca/Ted Velikonja - RME.2)
18. Isaac Smith (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RME.1)
19. Jason Valenti (Brampton Cycling Club - RME.1)
20. Kyle Fry (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RMU23.2)
21. Daniel Maggiacomo (Paris 1880 - RME.1)
22. Devon Novakowski (Team Ultralink - RMJ)
23. Kevin Hazzard (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMU23.2)
24. Stephen Meyer (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU23.2)all s.t.
DNF. Chris Freeland (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)
DNF. Kerry Abols (Sudbury Cycling Club - RME.2)
DNF. David Cramer (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.2)
DNF. Thomas Foster (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RMU23.1)
DNF. Matt Kings (Paris 1880 - RME.2)
DNF. Matthew Knight (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.2)
DNF. Andrew Lattimore (Gears & Grinds Racing - RMJ)
DNF. James Macdonald (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RME.1)
DNF. Jonathan Prosser (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RMU23.1)
DNF. Nathan Schnarr (Waterloo Cycling Club - RME.2)
DNF. Justin Steeds (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RME.2)
DNF. Paul Telisman (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.2)
DNF. Enrico Traini (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.2)
DNS. Bryan Rusche (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RME.1)
DNS. Domenic Valela (Independent - RME.2)
NP. Ryan Crawford (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - RMU23.2)
NP. Darko Ficko (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)
NP. Ryan Macdonald (Coachchris/Tedvelkonja Cycling - RME.1)
Master 1 Men - 110.6 km - Average Speed 37.8 km/h
1. Kevin Davis (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RMMB.1)2:55:47
2. Greg Cavanagh (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.1)
3. Charlie Squires (London Honda-Westhaven Homes - RMMC.1)
4. Craig C Hawkes (Emd Serono / Stevens - RMMA.1)
5. Daniel Coldrey (Team Ultralink - RMMA.1)
6. Stacy Wall (Independent - RMMA.1)all s.t.
7. Pavle Stanojevic (Jamis/Bikezone Racing - RMMA.1)0:34
8. Robert D`Amico (Invita Racing - RMMA.1)0:56
9. Roy Zucchetto (Invita Racing - RMMB.1)
10. Michael Ybanez (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMA.1)
11. Marc Lapointe (Emd Serono Stevens - RMMA)
12. Andrew Stewart (Project Freeride - RMMB.1)
13. Terrence Martineau (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMB.1)
14. Justen Winster (Pedal Performance - RMMA.1)
15. Martin Derlacki (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.1)
16. Mark Polsinelli (Invita Racing - RMMB.1)
17. Chris Dodson (The Cyclery - RMMC.1)
18. Garnett Abbey (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
19. Marc Boudreau (Ride With Rendall - RMMA.1)
20. Miguel (mike) Novo (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
21. Steven Smith (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.1)
22. Derek D`Angelo (Sudbury Cycling Club - RMMA.1)
23. Peter Kofman (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMC.1)
24. Paul Chedore (Team Ultralink - RMMA.1)
25. Shawn Staff (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RMMA.1)
26. Ilija Petrovski (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RMMB.1)
27. Justin Rogers (Jordan Engineering - RMMA.1)
28. Ed Campbell (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMC.1)
29. Mark Hearn (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
30. Mike Viel (Invita Racing - RMMC.1)
31. Patrick Dooling (Cycle Cambridge-Grg Racing - RMMB.1)
32. Kees Louws (London Honda-Westhaven Homes - RMMB.1)
33. Stirling Mcarthur (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMA.1)
34. Cary Moretti (Project Freeride - RMMB.1)
35. Joe Narciso (London Honda-Westhaven Homes - RMMC.1)
36. Glenn Cameron (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
37. Patrick Shea (London Honda-Westhaven Homes - RMMB.1)
38. Mike Steed (Jordan Engineering - RMMA.1)
39. Francois Faust (Team R.A.C.E - RMMB.1)
40. Paul Hornak (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMB.1)all s.t.
41. Fred Perez (Cycle Cambridge-Grg Racing - RMMA.1)01:04
42. Ian Mackellar (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMB.1)
43. Martin Ray (Trek Store/Ride For Karen - RMMA.1)bot:s.t.
44. David Martin (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMA.1)01:11
45. Ed Makarchuk (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)01:15
46. Bruce Krip (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RMMB.1)01:29
47. Malcolm Eade (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)01:38
48. Eduardo Maset (Invita Raci


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