Canadian Cyclist


June 11/08 4:21 am - Sean O'Donnell to Leave CCA

Posted by Editoress on 06/11/08

Sean O'Donnell to Leave CCA

Sean O'Donnell, the Manager of High Performance Programs, who has been with the Canadian Cycling Association for seven years, will be leaving the CCA at the end of this month to move to a job with Sport Canada.

Sean came to the CCA with no background in cycling, but a willingness to learn, and has progressed through the years to become a key member of the national team program, with a highlight being the role of Team Manager for Canada's Olympic cycling squad in 2004.

For us at CC, Sean has been an invaluable resource, and one of the first people we have called on with questions about national team projects, rankings, etc.

Good luck with your new position, Sean.

Hi everyone,

As a small number of you have already heard, I recently submitted my resignation to the CCA. I will be working up until July 4 and am leaving to take a position with Sport Canada. After seven years with the CCA, this was a very difficult decision for me to take. My family and I are certainly excited by the opportunity that lies ahead for me.

It has been a privilege for me to work in this office with our staff, to have worked with some outstanding coaches and most importantly to me to have worked with our incredible athletes. I leave with many good friendships and tremendous memories, having been fortunate enough to share in some small way in many of our successes over the last seven years.

Unfortunately, my decision means I will not be on site at the 2008 Olympic Games. My role at the Olympic Games will be filled by Dan Proulx, a cycling coach from Victoria, who has been involved with CCA in the past as a project coach and manager. I have complete confidence in Dan that he will ensure our Olympians have an exceptional level of support on site in Beijing.

As I hope you are aware, the CCA is going through a search right now for a new Chief Technical Officer and hopes to have someone in place this fall. I have agreed to work one-day a week in the office from July 15 ˆ September 30 overseeing the transition and directing some specific initiatives. My position will remain vacant, allowing the new CTO to be involved in the restructuring of the High Performance department within the office.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. Good luck to you all this summer.

Sean O'Donnell


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