Canadian Cyclist


June 24/08 2:01 am - Veloplzen's Lords of Cowtown Longboard/Cruiser Pubcrawl

Posted by Editoress on 06/24/08

Veloplzen's Lords of Cowtown Longboard/Cruiser Pubcrawl
Courtesy Sean Carter


Summer has finally arrived with a bang and we have been blessed with mid-20's temperatures and brilliant sunshine for a couple of weeks now. The good weather is welcomed by all - and was timed perfectly for our club ride yesterday - the 5th annual lords of cowtown longboard/cruiser pubcrawl! 14 of us started the ride by meeting at molly malone's in calgary's kensington district for beers/food and some sunny, quality patio time. Once everyone was well lubricated and fed we proceeded to the next pub - the barley mill in the eau claire district - via prince's island where we were joined by more club members. During the ride over it seemed that everyone had their own way to get to the pub - and - what was suppose to be a leisurely pedal/skate over turned into a scramble with everyone scattering and taking their own preferred route - kinda looked more like a scavenger hunt than a pubcrawl! This same scenerio would play out everytime we moved to the next pub - pretty funny really!

From eau claire we headed up to stephen ave and onto one of calgary's oldest pubs - the unicorn. The avenue was packed full of people cruising, strolling, and generally having a good time. With the temperatures still hovering in the mid-20's at 9pm every patio was jammed full and as a result we were relegated to basement part of the pub. It was here that we were joined by two more hoodlums - none other than rob farthing and roddi lega.

There must have been something in the beer at the unicorn 'cuz once we started drinking it seemed like nobody wanted to leave! Hey! - i thought this was a pub crawl! Anyway, after a very long stop everyone saddled up and loe and behold, while we were in the pub someone had clipped cards in our spokes, giving the rest of the cruise that 'ol moto sound you remember from being a kid! When was the last time you've done that? Forever, i bet! Anyway...back to the cruise...

After what felt like an eternity at the unicorn, we left at scattered again with the next stop being just a few blocks away - the drum and monkey. I wish i had something great to tell you about this pub but all i can report is that the place smelled like piss and vomit and after one beer we were off again to our final destination and club sponsor - tubby dog! Tubby's was rockin' and the place was packed but we were able to walk right in, get our club discount on beer(s) and try to smother all that liquor in our tummy's with grease, grease, and more grease! Oh, and some ketchup!

Thanks to everyone that came out - good times, good times!!!

More info on the veloplzen cycling club can be found at


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