Canadian Cyclist


July 12/08 1:39 am - IMBA Canada eNews

Posted by Editor on 07/12/08

IMBA Canada eNews - July 2008

Parks Canada Signs Promising Agreement With IMBA Canada
In June, Parks Canada Agency Chief Executive Officer Alan Latourelle announced that Parks Canada signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement with IMBA Canada. This MOU will enable the agency to benefit from the expertise of IMBA Canada in the field of multiple-use trail planning, development and management. "Parks Canada aims to facilitate stimulating, sustainable and educational trail experiences, and as such, shares common values with IMBA Canada," said Mr. Latourelle. "I'm confident that the agreement announced today will help pursue and expand the successful relationship between our two organizations in order to offer exceptional experiences to Canadians."

$4,000 Raised for IMBA Canada and Trails in Alberta
This year's Canmore 24 Hours of Adrenalin team event sold out in 2 days a year in advance. But Twenty4 Sports held back five spots, which were placed on auction, with all funds directed to IMBA Canada - specifically for projects and activities in Alberta. Four of the five teams sold, at the opening bid price of $1,000. With one team left, this coveted spot represents the only way that a team can join the 1,350 team riders and 200 solo competitors for this awesome weekend of racing. If you have a team that would like to fill this space contact

Tales from the Trails: Chicopee Bike Park Slideshow
A series of photos and captions of Chicopee's new bike park is now up for viewing on the IMBA Canada home page. Since the posting of this slideshow, the Kitchener, Ontario park has already expanded to add length to the popular flow trail section of the park.

Municipality of Kincardine, Ontario Invests in Mountain Biking
Chicopee isn't the only place in Southern Ontario that's caught the bike park bug. Kincardine recently hired IMBA Canada to train the folks who will be building the brand new Inverhuron Bike Park. Formerly a gravel pit, the 20 acre parcel of land across from Inverhuron Provincial Park will be transformed into a complete mountain bike destination, with something to offer every rider. The decision to invest in mountain biking was made when a number of unauthorised and unsafe mountain bike features were discovered on the land. "They're doing the right thing" says IMBA Canada Director and Trail Specialist, Mark Schmidt. "It's better to support the local riders by giving them an authorised place to ride, than to shut them out and ignore the issue. The new bike park will be a huge asset to the community and surrounding area."

Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion Funds IMBA Canada Mobile Tool Trailer Project
IMBA Canada just received funding from the Ontario Trails for Life grant program for the development of a mobile trail tool trailer as well as a series of trailbuilding workshops. The trailer will be stocked with all the tools and accessories needed to host a high-class volunteer trailwork day, and will be available for use by IMBA-affiliated groups in Ontario starting August 1st. If your group is interested in booking the use of the trailer, or in hosting a trailbuilding workshop, contact:

IMBA Canada Public Workshop in Jasper National Park July 21st
IMBA Canada is off to Jasper National Park July 21 to 24, to give a four-day trailbuilding workshop for National Park staff and volunteers. There will be Public Trailbuilding Presentation from 7:00-9:00pm on Monday July 21st. Contact Marci at 780-852-9467 or email: for more details.

IMBA Trailbuilding Books
'Tis the season for building and maintaining the trails we love to ride. Visit the IMBA Canada Store for all the trailbuilding books you need to make sure you're creating the best, and most sustainable, trails possible.


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