Canadian Cyclist


August 5/08 7:17 am - Victoria Trackfest 2 August 16th

Posted by Editoress on 08/5/08

TrackFest #2 is Nearly Here! Victoria, BC
Courtesy Dave Shishkoff, GVVA, Director of Racing

It'll be Groupo Compacto once again in Victoria on the August 16th weekend, as track racers from around the West Coast converge for another two days of high-speed racing. With an exhaustive schedule, racing is focused on the OrganicAthlete Omnium, the ATAC Sportswear Madison Tournament and the Dr. Walker Bunch Races Tournament, with a purse of $3,500 cash over our two events (first TrackFest was July 5th & 6th). Returning riders are eligible for the $700 tournament Championship awards, plus the overall A riders in each series will be awarded GVVA TrackFest '08 Championship jerseys!

First up on Saturday will be the OrganicAthlete Omnium, pitting riders in a slightly abbreviated format, with the Flying 200m, 500m ITT, 2km Pursuit, 5km Scratch and 10km Points races. The day will close with a pair of Madisons in the ATAC Sportswear Tournament. Sunday will continue on this theme, with the conclusion of the ATAC Sportswear Madison Tournament, and a host of races filling the Dr. Walker Bunch Races Tournament, with events ranging from Keirins to a Points Race.

We're inviting riders of all levels, running A, B & C fields, and hoping to see a separate Women's field as well. (Note: need at least 8 riders in a field to run individually. Otherwise will race with another field, but scored and awarded separately.)

Billeting is being offered to out-of-towners, we're welcoming riders from out of Province including Alberta, Washington and Portland! Come down, and wobble home on exhausted legs from the best racing the West Coast has to offer, here on the beautiful Vancouver Island!

Online registration is mandatory (and due by Wed, Aug 13th), and a draft schedule and race bible have been posted on our website - visit for more details.

See ya there!

Links of interest:


Race bible

Draft schedule



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