Canadian Cyclist


October 1/08 10:13 am - Public Consultation by SDRCC on the Revision of the Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code

Posted by Editor on 10/1/08

Public Consultation by SDRCC on the Revision of the Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code

The SDRCC is in the process of revising the Canadian Sport Dispute Resolution Code ("the Code"). The SDRCC wishes to invite the sport community to take part in the process by submitting comments, suggestions, and questions that relate to the Code.

The proposed amendments to the Code can be found at the following link: Comments, suggestions, and questions can be sent before 5 p.m. (EDT) on October 31, 2008 to the attention of the Executive Director, Marie-Claude Asselin, via email ( or fax (1-877-733-1246).

The SDRCC thanks you for taking the time to review the proposed changes to the Code and for your comments.


The SDRCC is a not-for-profit corporation created by federal legislation and funded by Sport Canada. The mission of the SDRCC is to provide the sport community with a national alternative dispute resolution service and strengthen the culture of fairness in Canadian sport by resolving disputes quickly and efficiently and to provide expertise and assistance regarding alternative dispute resolution.


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