Canadian Cyclist


October 6/08 10:09 am - Club News: Oak Bay WHeelers TT Champs, Blizzard Bike Club

Posted by Editoress on 10/6/08

Oak Bay Wheelers Nanaimo Hill Climb Championships October 5th, Nanaimo BC
Courtesy Peter McCaffery

Photos by Leigh Blaney

After three days of rain, it was great to have a fine, and somewhat 'warmer' morning for the championship. There was an island cyclo-cross the same day so we were not sure if anyone would show but we had ten starters, much better than the first time trial in the OBB Wheelers Midweek series.

Series overall points winner, Tony Winter (OBB) was first off and did a very creditable time, totally exhausting himself over the last 500 meters which were the hardest part of the course. However, the next two men , both 66 years old, both eclipsed his time as they had nearly three minutes handicap each. Next off was Hobbema's Elijah Buffalo who did the fastest scratch time so far but Dave Steen's handicap figures still stood until last man off, Stefan Jacobson (Frontrunners) surprised everyone but himself by going over two minutes faster than anyone else and taking both the scratch and handicap awards AND established a men's record for the climb.

Shailie Sanborns (Frontrunners) was first off in the women's race and her time turned out to be fastest. However, Rose Houle (Arrowsmith) was only 1:58 behind her in actual time and, with her handicap subtracted, easily won the women's event.

Thanks to all our hardworking marshals and to sponsor Oak Bay Bikes for their support of both the hill climb championship and the evening time trial series.

WomenTime B4 HandicapHandicapFinal Time
1 Rose Houle (Arrowsmith)0:17:452:120:15:33
2 Shailie Sanbrooks (Frontrunners)0:16:4700:16:47
3 Kim McCarley (Ind)0:19:362:320:17:40
4 Kerry Jacobson (Frontrunners)0:17:5700:17:57
1 Stefan Jacobson (Frontrunners)0:12:2800:12:28
2 Dave Steen (BC Masters CA)0:16:582:520:14:06
3 Dave Ellis (Nanaimo CC)0:17:142:520:14:22
4 Elijah Buffalo (Samson Band)0:14:4700:14:47
5 Tony Winter (OBB Wheelers)0:15:0600:15:06
6 Tim Stokes (Tri BC)0:22:451:060:21:39

Blizzard Bike Club Fort St. John, BC

Oct. 5th

The Blizzards held a double header at cyclo cross, Sunday. Blaine Richter of GP won a wet morning cross event at the North Peace circuit, doing 6 laps in 35 minutes. Pat Ferris was second and Roger St. Jean third. Sam Keats was 4th, Peter King 5th, Barb Polehoykie 6th and Sandy McDonald 7th. The race course was mostly wet grass and gravel.

Stephen Ferris won the afternoon Beatton Cross with 6 laps done in 32:11 minutes and Blaine Richter did 36:38 after a fall and a mechanical problem. Peter King had an excellent third spot with Pat Ferris 4th, Sam Keats 5th, Barb Polehoykie 6th and Sandy McDonald 7th all with 5 laps. The race course was a sandy and rocky river bed, with some muddy road and single track.

Coming up: The Blizzards are gearing up for next Saturday’s National Cyclo cross Championships in Edmonton, followed by a UCI race Sunday. Riders will be attending from across Canada. All the locals have been to this type of event, before.

Locally, there will be a cyclo cross race at the North Peace High School. The Thursday nighters are over for the season due to lack of daylight.

Oct 2nd

Robin Baillie won the Thursday night Cyclo cross on the North Peace circuit with 36:48. He held off second place Stephen Ferris who had 38:49. Colter Young was third at 39:17 and Pat Ferris was 4th at 44:12. All did 6 laps.

Gord Harris, Sam Keats and Barb Polehoykie completed 5 laps.

The addition of the ‘sand trap’ to the loop made the race more interesting. Riders who could ride through without stopping certainly had the advantage over those who could not.

This Sunday: Cyclo cross double header. 10:00 am at the North Peace circuit and 2 pm at the Beatton River circuit. Two events in one day is to get the locals ready to do the National Cyclo cross Championships in Edmonton on the Thanksgiving long weekend.


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