Canadian Cyclist


October 8/08 11:53 am - Cross on the Rock 2008 #2- Cameron Cross report

Posted by Editoress on 10/8/08

Cross on the Rock 2008 #2- Cameron Cross October 5th, Juan de Fuca Recreation Center, Victoria, BC.
Late report by Normon Thibault & Wendy Simms

Organized by Island Racing Club with Support from Cameron Law.
Brought to you by Multi-Sport Promotions:

Conditions: Not a drop of rain during any of the events. Spots of sun...and about 13c.

After 3 days of pouring rain the clouds parted and the sun came out to play at the Juan de Fuca Rec Center on Sunday. The Island Racing Club (IRC) had stitched together a great loop that started with a fast paved stretch, leading into a twisty grass section, the BMX track, a HUGE run-up through the woods, a terrifying descent down onto the chip trail and through some muck to the finish. It is unfortunate that Drew MacKenzie who led the design of this course was not racing his own masterpiece. The challenging course was praised by all (except those racers running to the single pit for a bike/wheel/tube change). As always, the Victoria stop of the Cross on the Rock series brings out record numbers. This year was no exception, with 88 racers toeing the start line, including recent Olympians Geoff Kabush (Maxxis) and Erin Willock (Webcor).

Race #1: Beginner Men's and Women's (6 Laps)
The Beginners race had a modified loop that removed the wooded section of the course. It was not that organizers thought the beginner's couldn't handle the big run-up, it was the straight shot descent through the trees that had some experts worried, let alone the 9 year old beginner's. Many thanked us after watching the other races.

In the Beginner Men's category, it was Niels Steiner from Kelowna that led the race from start to finish. He easily scooped up the Lighthouse Brewery first lap prime and the win. The curly dark locks of Chris George chased in second the entire race but he could not close the gap and Straight Up cycles owner Gerry Huizinga impressed the crowd with his mad skillz to pull in for third. Behind the top three however there was mayhem as the technical course took its toll on riders and their equipment. Of special note is Sheperd Stewart who broke his derailleur on the beginner clinic ride and ended up racing OBB-Nanaimo owner Sean Lunny's Argon. A crash early in the race that snapped “his” seatpost saw Shepherd racing with a jagged carbon edge just below his jiblets. That could be bad.....Stewart wanted to complain about how hard it was but he kept it quiet when he saw two 9 year old boys racing on their BMX bikes and another dude on his triathlon bike with semi-slicks! The Beginner category always reminds us that you can race on just about anything and still have fun.

1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Niels Steiner

In the Beginner Women's race it was an interesting start line as Olympic road racer Erinne Willock (Webcor) lined up next to the likes of 10 year old Una Farrar (Triple Shot). But to the surprise of the crowd, it was young Amanda Wakeling (Eatmore) from Courtenay who took the first lap prime. Word on the street is that she has been doing some underground CX skills training with the Comox Valley CX crew. They must be teaching her something right because she was smooth as. However, Willock is a quick learner and sorted out her cleat issues to take the lead in the second lap and held it to the end. Wakeling used her CX skills on the technical course to roll in for second and it was newcomer Lisa Levesque from Victoria (who wasn't even going to sign up for the race) that rode steady for third.

1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Amanda Wakeling

Race #2: Intermediate Men (7 Laps)
The intermediate course saw 25 racers at the start line with a mix of ages (16-65), backgrounds and bikes. The start was fast and furious but it was young Nick Holatko (Team Hack and Chop) in his dayglo pink and blue skinsuit who got the holeshot, the first lap prime and the win. Michael Harvey from Courtenay chased all race but could not catch the pink streak and had to settle for second place. After a slow start, Derek McMaster blew through the field to take third spot but it was Tony Zarsadias (Tony Z to his fans) that impressed the judges and won the Chuck Taylor Most Aggressive Rider Award. Behind the leaders, there was what can only be referred to as carnage. The course started to take its toll on riders and equipment. The biggest crowds formed in the woods to witness the pained expressions on riders faces' as they climbed the run up and the terrified looks as they descended the chute. Even Matt Dilay of host club (IRC) who had helped design the course, showed signs of crashing on his red kit.

1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Nick Holatko (organizers gave it straight to his dad!)
Converse Chuck Taylor most aggressive rider: Tony Zarsadias

Race #3: Master Men (7 Laps)
As always, the Master Men's race was a highly competitive affair that was exciting to watch. Sean Cruickshank (Aviawest) took it out hard to win the Lighthouse Brewery first lap prime. Many thought the new daddy would disappear from the radar after the effort but with the Open Women's winner Dawn Anderson (Everti/OBB) hunting him down, he found a new gear and only Steve Bachop (IRC) would pass him after 7 laps. Bachop, who was derailed by a broken chain in the last series race had much better luck this week and put almost 2 mins into second place Cruickshank to win the race. Behind them, Jason Eagles (IRC) rode a great race, picking off the exhausted (that started too fast) and the unfortunate (that had mechanicals) to sneak in for the last podium position. Beefcake Aaron Dusseault (Russ Hayes) shadowed Eagles race plan but was short just 2 seconds and ended up fourth. Dave Novak (THC) was in the podium mix early on during the race but lady luck crapped on his head Sunday as Novak experienced 3 flats, one of which was a dramatic explosion that many thought was a gunshot. Too stubborn to quit, Novak walked it in to finish dead last but impressed judges with his tenacity and was awarded the Chuck Taylors Most Aggressive Rider Award.

1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Sean Cruikshank
Converse Chuck Taylor most aggressive rider: Dave Novak

Race #3: Women (7 Laps)
The Open Women's race started 15 seconds behind the Masters Men, but series leader Dawn Anderson (Everti/OBB) was hunting them down like Jaws, earning her the Most Aggressive Rider Award, the first lap beer prime and the win. By the end of the 7 lap race only 2 would get away from Anderson's fast legs and sharp teeth..... Behind, it was Jaymie McGowan (Oak Bay Bikes) who chased on her own all day and rolled in for second. Arrowsmith teammates Kristenn Magnussen and Bobbie Taylor were locked in battle for the final podium spot from the gun. The two had their game faces on and the friendship was put aside for 7 laps. Although the race would have likely ended in a sprint finish (not sure who to put my $ on, Tree Trunk Taylor or Minxy Magnussen?), Taylor dropped her chain with half a lap to go and Magnussen was able to snap up third place. But the “what if” still hangs in the air....

1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Dawn Berg
Converse Chuck Taylor most aggressive rider: Kristenn Magnussen

Race #4: Expert Men (10 Laps)
With a BC Cup CX race conflicting with our Cross on the Rock date, the expert race seemed to be the only category that suffered low numbers with only 11 starters. However Olympian Geoff Kabush (Maxxis) made an appearance so maybe that scared some away? Always the gentleman, Kabush let the expert field lead out the race until he decided it was time to unleash the canons and do some interval training on his own. His goal: try to do a sub 5min lap. He was a crowd favorite as he was riding the only one who could ride the “run-up” which all had deemed “unrideable”. Kabush.....he's so hot right now. Behind the Kabush Show, Russell Anderson (OBB/Everti) was trying not to let his wife Dawn get all the glory and put on an incredible show of his own (kind of like a circus side show). He took the first lap prime, flatted, ran to the pits for a new wheel, rolled that tubular, ran to the pits for another wheel, broke his shoe then somehow coaxed a size 10 shoe from the crowd so he could finish in second. Organizer Norm Thibault (Frontrunners) rounded out the third spot, although who knows what would have happened if his wife Wendy Simms (Kona) hadn't flatted while closing the gap on him to 8secs. Triathlete Stephen Kilshaw (Oak Bay Bikes) won the Most Aggressive Rider Award. After a rough start he found his form and moved into as high as 2nd place after sprinting up the run-up each lap. However the effort took its toll and Kilshaw faded out of top 5 on the last lap.

1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Russell Anderson
Converse Chuck Taylor most aggressive rider: Stephen Kilshaw

• With a race in Vancouver on the same day that had around 145 people registered and our Victoria event with 88 this had to be the first time in BC that over 200 people were racing cross on the same day.....pretty exciting.
• It was strange to see the velodrome all fenced off.....kind of sad for a facility that was built for cycling to not be allowed for use by cycling. We all really hope that it can be saved....and added again to our course!!
• We have never heard so many people excited and pumped about a course. Although this was the same location as last year and had a few of the same sections the course was quite a bit different and people were pumped. There is already a buzz about a possible double-header at JDF next year.....possible.
• If you remember for next year.....the hot tire selection is a high volume tire.....most likely a CLINICHER as it is just not worth it to go through a $80-$140 tire at our events.....try to remember that....

Thanks to our volunteers and crew from IRC

Series Sponsors
Converse All Star
Lighthouse Brewery
OakBay Bikes in Nanaimo and Victoria
Cycles Lambert
Full Speed Ahead
Frontrunners Nanaimo
Howard Johnson Harbourside Hotel
eNVy Chainrings and Chainring Protectors

Special Thanks to: West Shore Parks and Recreation, Straight Up Cycles, Howard Johnson Victoria and Vancouver Island Racing Club

Next race on Vancouver Island: New Venue and New Course at Providence Farms in Duncan on October 19th.

Beginner Women 6 Laps
1 Errine Willock (Webcor - Victoria)0:34:48
2 Amanda Wakeling (Eatmore - Courtney)-1 Lap
3 Lisa Levesque (Ind - Victoria)-1 Lap
4 Amy Grue (Experience Cycling Club - Duncan)-2 Laps
5 Sarah Hall (Experience Cycling Club - Duncan)-2 Laps
6 Una Farrar (Triple Shot - Victoria)-2 Laps
7 Joanna Fox (Triple Shot - Victoria)-2 Laps
1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Amanda Wakeling
Beginner Men 6 Laps
1 Niels Steiner (Ind - Victoria)0:31:26
2 Chris George (Ind - Victoria)at 2:03
3 Gerry Huizinga (IRC-Cameron Law - Victoria)3:19
4 Lister Farrar (Ind - Victoria)3:20
5 Derek Prout (Ind - Victoria)3:27
6 Erin Thomas (IRC-NTC - Victoria)3:29
7 Hicham Elamini (Frontrunners - Victoria)3:50
8 Shepard Stewart (Ind - Nanaimo)5:23
9 David Mercer (Velo Velociraptor - Victoria)-1 Lap
10 Jeff Wynne (Aviawest - Victoria)-1 Lap
11 Clifford De Scheppar (Ind - Victoria)-1 Lap
12 Anthony Yue (Ind - Victoria)-1 Lap
13 Mike Pearson (Riders - Sidney)-1 Lap
14 Christopher MacLeod (Ind - Victoria)-2 Laps
15 Eloi Batista (Ind - Victoria)-2 Laps
16 Mark Planiden (Ind - Victoria)-2 Laps
DNF Ryan Wakelin (Ind - Victoria)
1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Neils Steiner
Intermediate Men 7 Laps
1 Nick Holatko (CVCC)(Hack and Chop) - Comox)0:45:00
2 Michael Harvey (Ind - Courtenay)at 1:23
3 Derek McMaster (Ind - Victoria)1:50
4 Tony Zarsadias (Ind - Victoria)2:10
5 Raymond Tse (Ind - Victoria)2:29
6 Kevin Knock (Everti-Experience Cycle Club - Cowichan Bay)3:09
7 Dan Scott (Oak Bay Bikes-Victoria - Victoria)3:15
8 Hugh Thompson (Ind - Victoria)3:22
9 Guy Gensey (Ind - Victoria)3:52
10 Morgan Harker (Ind - Victoria)4:06
11 Kurt Knock (Everti-Experience Cycle Club - Duncan)4:32
12 Drent Stubbs (Schwalbe - Victoria)4:58
13 Glen Wakenling (Eatmore - Courtenay)5:06
14 Daryl Chase (Heathy Habbits-Ozzies - Port Alberni)5:12
15 Dave Shishkoff (Organic Athlete - Victoria)5:35
16 Matt Dilay (IRC-Cameron Law - Victoria)5:46
17 David Huntley (Experience Cycling Club - Duncan)5:46
18 Rollin Rabien (Dr. Walker - Victoria)6:13
19 Derek Brain (Experience Cycling Club - Cobble Hill)6:13
20 Frank Holatko (CVCC - Comox)8:05
21 Andy Pitre (Me - Victoria)-1 Lap
22 Derek Steel (Arrowsmith - Nanaimo)-1 Lap
23 Brian Kuhn (Experience Cycling Club - Duncan)-1 Lap
DNF Jamie Emery (Action Motorcycles - North Saanich)
DNF Patrick Burnham (Oak Bay Bikes-Nanaimo - Nanaimo)
1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime (Root Beer): Nick Holatko
Converse Chuck Taylor most Aggressive Rider: Tony Zarsadias (Root Beer): Nick Holatko
Masters Men 7 Laps
1 Steve Bachop (IRC/Cameron Law - Victoria)0:42:13
2 Sean Cruckshank (Aviawest - Victoria)at 1:55
3 Jason Eagles (IRC/Cameron Law - Victoria)2:10
4 Aaron Desseault (Russ Hays - Victoria)2:12
5 Sean Lunny (Oak Bay Bikes-Nanaimo - Nanaimo)2:57
6 Jim Pearson (Aviawest - Victoria)3:21
7 Peter Wellsman (Riders Cycling Club - Victoria)3:30
8 John Lowen (Arrowsmith Cycling Club - Nanaimo)3:42
9 Bill McMillan (Nanaimo MTB Club - Nanaimo)4:17
10 Barry Remple (Oak Bay Bikes-Victoria - Victoria)4:31
11 Andrew McLearen (NONA - Nanaimo)4:51
12 Rick Thiessen (UROC - Victoria)6:00
13 Chris "Boom Boom" Birch (Fat Daddy - Ladysmith)5:58
14 Tony Wakelin (Ind - Victoria)5:47
15 Trevor Perkins (Ind - Courtenay)-1 Lap
16 Norm Barmeiver (Ind - Vancouver)-1 Lap
17 Derek Tripp (IRC/Cameron Law - Victoria)-1 Lap
18 Dave Nowak (THC - Comox)-1 Lap
DNF Paul Brend (IRC/Cameron Law - Victoria)
1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Sean Cruckshank
Converse Chuck Taylor most Aggressive Rider: Dave Nowak
Women 7 Laps
1 Dawn Anderson (Everti-OBB - Victoria)0:43:55
2 Jaymie McGowan (OakBay Bikes Victoria - Victoria)at 5:15
3 Kristen Magnussen (Arrowsmith Cycling Club - Parksville)5:44
4 Bobbie Taylor (Arrowsmith Cycling Club - Nanaimo)6:09
5 Glenowyn Carlson (Riders Cycles - Victoria)-1 Lap
6 Liz Flawse (UROC - Courtenay)-2 Laps
7 Katie Duncan Rabien (OBB - Victoria)-2 Laps
1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Dawn Anderson
Converse Chuck Taylor most Aggressive Rider: Dawn Anderson
Expert 10 Laps
1 Geoff Kabush (Maxxis - Victoria)0:56:54
2 Russell Anderson (Oak Bay Bikes-Everti - Victoria)at 3:50
3 Normon Thibault (Frontrunners - Nanaimo)4:14
4 Andrew Brown (CVCC4:23
5 Simon Tremblay (Giant-Summit Cycles - Cowichan Bay)4:47
6 Stephen Kilshaw (Oak Bay Bikes-Victoria - Victoria)4:57
7 Wendy Simms (KONA - Nanaimo)5:53
8 Vaughn Hildebrand (IRC/Cameron Law - Victoria)-1 Lap
9 Jeff Beeston (Trail Bicycles - Comox)-1 Lap
10 Trevor Jones (Experience Cycling Club - Shawnigan Lake)-1 Lap
11 Terry McKall (Ind - Victoria)-1 Lap
1st Lap Lighthouse Brewery Prime: Russel Anderson
Converse Chuck Taylor most Aggressive Rider: Stephen Kilshaw

NEXT RACE: Providence Cross in Duncan. October 19th.


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