Canadian Cyclist


June 17/99 9:41 am - HP report from Team Elita, Ontario Road Racing News

Posted by Editoress on 06/17/99

Team Elite report from Stage 9 Hewlett Packard

Standing in the parking lot this morning in Burley the first thing we noticed was that we would have a ripping tail wind for most of the day. The second thing we noted was that everyone was looking raw, rooted, rocked and otherwise wasted. A good day for a break to get away and to stick. And sure enough, as we left the parking lot there was an attack. Each one of us took turns being in breaks. Kim covered one, it was caught, I bridged to one and then attacked it, but the wrong mix of riders bridged to me, and there was a counter. Sarah was in that one -- and it stayed away for the rest of the 105 kilometers. Sarah had a "kiwi teammate" in Susy Pryde (Saturn); Julie Young (Timex), Kathy Watt (Australia), Sue Palmer (Canada) and Tina Liebig (Germany) completed the mix of international riders.

As most of the teams had riders represented, there was a hesitation in the field and the break quickly gained time. The tail wind though picked up and soon the peloton was rolling along at 60 kilometers an hour. Again, I was clicking my left shifter searching for that 11 tooth cog. We all stayed at the front to keep the back door closed so that no one else would bridge to the front group. Kim and I decided this was a winning break for us and we would do all possible to make sure it stuck.

There were many attempts to close the gap. At one point a group with Mari Holden and her teammate Zoufia Zabirova escaped. Fortunately, Timex and Germany were not going to let Mari gain time on Linda and chased hard to catch that group. During this chase we took a right turn into the crosswind and quickly the peloton was guttered. Thank God for all of my experience in Europe racing in the crosswinds. I found it so easy today to go where I wanted and to take the wheel I wanted. In Europe had I tried to ride the way I did today I would have found myself in a fist fight with some overly terse Italian.

We were fortunate today that the motorists were all careful to get well off the roadway. Although I saw many tense faces as the peloton raced by at 60 kilometers an hour about a foot from their vehicles. It must be quite a sight to see a group of 128 racers baring down on you at such awesome speeds. Admidst all this madness, I was told by word of mouth that Cybil had flatted. I sent Annie to the front to control things. Sophie waited for us at the back of the peloton, I floated about thirty seconds back into the caravan and Kim went back with Cybil to neutral support. (Our team vehicle was up with Sarah.) As soon as Kim reached me I took Cybil back to the front. Unlike yesterday, it seemed effortless and quite professional. We all arrived to the finish safely to find out that Sarah had won by thirty-three seconds. Wow! What a stud. And what a great dinner we were treated to in her honor. Talking with Maynard Hershon after the race he commented how much like a men's professional race today's stage was. Coming from someone as experienced with racing as Maynard, I was proud of the whole peloton for such strong racing after eight days. Nine days down, four to go. I better get some sleep.

Thank you all for your "fan" mail and e mails of support. It means a tremendous amount to me and all of Team Elita. - Giana Roberge

(send an e-mail to the riders at

Ontario Rider Upgrading

According to the Ontario Racing Committee's 1999 Points and Upgrading Policies riders gaining sufficient points to upgrade to the next category can chose to upgrade at that time. Upgrading is mandatory as of July 1 and at the end of the racing season for 2000.

Two Senior 3 riders have already upgraded to Senior 2 - Michael Moore and Vincent Verkerk.

The following riders have sufficient points for mandatory upgrading:

Senior 3 to Senior 2

Charlie Squires
Mirek Mazur

Senior 2 to Senior 1

Mike Ybanez - Mississauga/Volvic
Kevin Speacht - Kiro

The Racing Committee will allow these riders to choose the category in which they wish to ride over the Canada Day weekend i.e. Chin and the Sudbury events. They can stay in their present category or move up. They should present themselves to the Chief Commissaire of each race prior to registration and inform him/her of their intention.

After this weekend, they will automatically be upgraded and the Chief Commissaire of each event will ensure they ride in the correct race.

The Chief Commissaire of Ontario will advise the Chief of each event and
ensure that he/she is aware of this.


I will be issuing new race #'s after the July 1 weekend - meanwhile wear you existing ones. If you have any questions, please contact me at

Valerie Davidge
Ontario Points Coordinator.


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