Canadian Cyclist


October 15/08 1:38 am - URGENT Message from the Burnaby Velodrome Club Board of Directors to all Cyclists who Ride at the Velodrome

Posted by Editoress on 10/15/08

Message from the Burnaby Velodrome Club Board of Directors to all Cyclists who Ride at the Velodrome

Due to space constraints for both Volleyball and Velodrome equipment storage, the BVC is asking that all cyclists that are not a full member of the Burnaby Velodrome for the 2009 season remove their bikes from under the track. Bike storage is at capacity and it has become apparent that individuals who are not riding are storing their bikes.

As of October 31st, 2008 if you are not a full member of the Burnaby Velodrome Club for the season of 2008/2009 we ask that you immediately remove your stored bike and equipment. Any bikes or equipment left at the track after November 1st, 2008 will become the property of the Burnaby Velodrome. All locks will be cut and bikes will be removed.

All full time members will be assigned one storage spot and it will be labeled with your name. Bike storage will be available to current riders who are not members for a fee of $100 for the 2008/2009 season.

We appreciate your help in addressing this matter and the BVC Board of Directors would like to thank you for your timely cooperation.


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