Canadian Cyclist


October 16/08 10:15 am - New 2009 Canadian Anti-Doping Program Released

Posted by Editor on 10/16/08

New 2009 Canadian Anti-Doping Program Released

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) released a new version of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP) yesterday (October 15th). This version of the CADP comes into effect on January 1, 2009, ensuring Canada's continued compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

All Canadian sport organizations that are recognized and funded by Sport Canada must formally adopt the new CADP by December 31, 2008. An information package on the adoption process will be sent to all organizations that are required to adopt and follow it.

Some noteworthy changes include:

• Variable sanctions that may be longer or shorter depending on a variety of factors unique to each case and circumstance.

• The scope of what constitutes an anti-doping violation has been expanded. More emphasis will be placed on investigations to pursue violations that do not directly result from a positive test, both for athletes and their support personnel.

• A segment of the Registered Testing Pool athletes will be required to submit their regular whereabouts information and further guaranteeing their location for one hour per day. If they cannot be found during that hour time frame they risk a missed test.

• All organizations that adopt the Code must provide mandatory education to athletes and athlete support personnel about the core elements of anti-doping.

For complete analysis and a link to all relevant documents, please visit


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