Canadian Cyclist


October 21/08 9:45 am - Forest City Velodrome Women's Camp a Success

Posted by Editoress on 10/21/08

Forest City Velodrome Women's Camp a Success
Courtesy Rob Good

A total of 18 women participated in the three day Women's Camp at the Forest City Velodrome. Many of the women were new to the Velodrome and had a lot of fun getting familiar with the skills and drills training over the weekend.

The riders ranged in age from 14 years to 47 years young and all are going to continue to be active and join the FCV as members. The track has encouraged women of all ages to get involved with fitness riding with some progressing to the Sport training and racing nights at the Velodrome.

Our women's program began in late 2007 with a similar camp with five women attending, so by tripling the number in just one year the track is already looking at setting programs to help advance the learning curve of all the riders.

If you know of a young lady that would like to come to the Velodrome and get involved with our program, please have them contact by email .... for more information on upcoming skill building activities at the FCV.

The next opportunity for women to get acquainted with the track is on Saturday afternoon at 3pm.

We know you will have a "Blast" and become a better cyclist.


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