Canadian Cyclist


October 23/08 10:16 am - BC Bike Race and IMBA Join Forces

Posted by Editoress on 10/23/08

BC Bike Race and IMBA Join Forces
Courtesy BCBR

This partnership represents a unified goal of acquiring, maintaining and developing mountain bike trails both globally and locally. BC Bike Race (BCBR) is an epic seven day mountain bike race from Victoria to the future Olympic town of Whistler. IMBA is an advocacy group who creates, enhances and protects great trail experiences for mountain bikers worldwide.

This union is so natural that last year, during scouting for the BCBR on the Sunshine Coast, both Andreas Hestler, spokesperson and Dean Payne, founder stopped by the Capilano College Outdoor class to assist with trail work. The trail work was being coordinated by Mark Schmidt of IMBA Canada. Mark stated, "It’s nice to have such a young company already show their true colors and dedication to the cause." Dean also spoke to the class about event management and the future of mountain biking.

The BCBR has in its brief 2-year history donated time and money to a number of local trail projects. "Stretching across nine communities on the route gives us plenty of awesome opportunities to participate and enrich the trail systems and educate the municipalities on the potential of their mountain bike tourism," said Dean Payne the founder of the BC Bike Race.

All of these trail projects have happened with various other user groups, associates, companies and clubs, which helps emphasize that we cannot undertake this mission alone. So it is with great pleasure that we join the task force known as IMBA to attempt a bigger, better co-ordination of all of our efforts to acquire, build and maintain trails for now and for the future.

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