Canadian Cyclist


October 30/08 8:42 am - Cross on the Rock Races #4 & #5

Posted by Editor on 10/30/08

Cross on the Rock Races #4 & #5
Courtesy Norm Thibault

Double Cross Weekend - Coal Cross and Jungle Cross

A couple of corrections before we go onto the details in this update. First of all Wendy corrected me in that Dave Shishkoff is not a "vegetarian" as reported in the last race report but a "vegan"....stay tuned to see if Dave continues his first Vegan streak this weekend in the Intermediate category....if there are any other Vegans racing in that category please let me know. Second Marty Thibsimms' report on the women's race missed the fact that it was not the aggressive rider prize winning Lisa Ludwig that took third in that race but rather Tanya Berg in her first cross race of the season that took the last podium position. Hopefully those are the only major mistakes made.....

I just wanted to address a couple of the things I heard at the last race (pre/post) before they fester.

I heard a couple of comments about riders in the intermediate category being sandbaggers and that they should move up. Just so you know....we keep an eye on the results, do calculations, factor things in....well we are pretty much fanatic about the series and always working on it. Sandbagging is always an issue in all series.

Of note are a couple of athletes that are really-really good. We know who they are. We have looked at their times....IF they were able to keep those speeds up they would do fine in Expert. Normally, and in the past, we have asked this speed/talent of athlete to move up. BUT there are some exceptions. In this case it is an exception for the following reason.....these are KIDS, under 19 years of age racing in their 1st season of cross. For me, for our series and for our events....we want kids to race. We want to be able to do anything we can to foster these kids to race. Personally I don't think making kids, in their first racing season, no matter how fast they are move up into a category that they will probably find much-much harder and potentially get discouraged is good for the sport, the kids or the series.

Again....we want them racing. There will be a point where we look at the results, riders developments and their speed and say....."it is time". This point has not been reached. We encourage EVERYONE to challenge themselves at our races and IF anyone wants to move up a category....we welcome it! If anyone has any further suggestions or comments on this please feel free to e-mail me. Remember the primary focus is to race hard and have fun.

At the start of the season I put out an e-mail to what I call our "advisory" board asking all sorts of questions about the races, schedule, categories etc. Categories are always a great topic. Last year we moved the age of masters up to 35+. So far I think that has worked our very well for the races and has evened out the numbers between masters and intermediate better than a couple of years ago.

The women's category is always an issue. We would LOVE to have an intermediate women's category. Most girls race beginners and then the jump up to women's seems too big. It is a problem. BUT the problem is that the women's category is not bit enough. Would more women come out if we had an intermediate category? Should we make the first race a beginners and intermediate combined? What we want to avoid is a case like Beban Park last year where we were giving out cash for the women's category and we got 4 girls out.......We want to have a intermediate category for the women....BUT we need to see the number of women RISE in order for that to happen. I would say that the magic number is 20 total women so that we can have about 10 in a open women and 10 in a intermediate get your girls out there and show us the need and we will make it happen for 2009. In the meantime, as always, the primary focus is to race hard and have fun. I know that ALL the women in the open category from 1st to last love to come out and have a great time!

Kids race at Jungle Cross
While there will be no Kids race at Coal Cross in Cumberland we will have a good shortened course at Jungle Cross at Fletcher's Farm on Sunday. Any bike will do....see the event guide for more information.

Coal Cross in Cumberland
We have not attached the event guide for this event as it seems to be clogging up some people's in boxes so instead we have posted it here:

Here is a little note about the course from the race guide:

This course winds its way through the Village of Cumberland. It starts adjacent to the historic No 6 Mine Park and takes you through Cumberland via road, alleyways and the collery road that surrounds the village. The lap point and finish has been changed from last year and will be adjacent to the park on asphalt with a slight uphill finish. There is a good mix of grass, gravel, mud, cobbles, and asphalt. The course looks wide open but the grass and the false flats are gruesome. Lots of terrain changes through corners makes this course more technical than you would think it would be. Attacking through the alley ways will prove futile and it will more than likely be the twist and turns in the No 6 mine park that will make or break the race.

Jungle Cross at Fletchers Farm in Errington
We have not attached the event guide for this event as it seems to be clogging up some people's in boxes so instead we have posted it here:

You Tube Coverage of Experience Cross in Duncan
Our friends from Everti sent us a little link to their home video of their riders at the Experience Cross event in Duncan 2 weeks ago. Here is the video link:

Saturday Morning Victoria 'Cross Clinics
We leave Oak Bay Bikes at 9am, and head to various appropriate locations and help riders develop their cyclocross skills. From riding up and over curbs and logs to flying over barriers and riding up steep walls, we'll help you with whatever you need to become a better 'Cross rider! Our attendees have gone on to be Provincial and National Champions! (Well, not yet at least!)

These clinics will be run every Saturday morning until the final 'Cross on the Rock race in November (with the exception of the First weekend in November the "Double Cross" weekend), all are welcome, and it's free! Experienced riders encouraged as well, to share your knowledge and experience. For more details, email Dave Shishkoff:

Requesting Volunteers for Set Up on Saturday Morning
The Cross on the Rocks Cyclocross series is looking for volunteers. The Second annual "Cumberland Coal Cross" presented in part by the United Riders of Cumberland is coming to the Village of Cumberland November 1, 2008. The race organizers are currently looking for volunteers to assist with marshalling, timing, registration, set up and take down.

Course set-up will be starting bright and early @7:30am at the No. 6 Mine Park in Cumberland. We hope to have the course set-up by 10:30. Timers, marshals and those wishing to help with registration will need to be there around 10:30am and should be prepared to stay until the end of the last race @4:00.

All volunteers will be provided with beverages (hot and cold) and snacks throughout the day and they will have the chance to win some great draw prizes. The course has been slightly condensed to allow marshals to return to the park for a snack and a break after each race.

We generally have ample help to take down the course but we will need a ton of help with set-up. Last year we were able to flag the course the night before which lightened the load race day. However, our race falls on the day after Halloween and we have decided not to set anything up the day before as it would probably not last the night.

If you or someone you know would be interested in helping us with this event please contact Dave Nowak, Race Director, @250-897-8484 or via email Thanks in advance for helping us present another successful event.


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