Canadian Cyclist


November 3/08 8:18 am - Winter W.O.W. MTB Enduro & Tour: Registration Open

Posted by Editoress on 11/3/08

Winter W.O.W. MTB Enduro & Tour

Nov. 16th

Once again mountain bikers will be taking to the trails of Dufferin County and the Mansfield Outdoor Centre for the annual early winter classic called the Winter W.O.W. There's a 40km Enduro Race, and a 40km tour where you can ride the whole thing or as much of the beautiful route as you want. There are prizes for the fastest riders and great draw prizes from our sponsors The Epic Ride Bike Shop, Kona and HammerGel. The race has a mass start at 10am with the tour departing shortly after.

The route has changed a bit this year. We've decided to use a good chunk of the course that we put together for our Life$tyle$ of the Rich & Famou$ 24 Hour on the MOC property and there are a couple of new bits of single track that we're using in the Dufferin Forest. It's a great route at any time of year.

Returning of course is the massive chili feed (included with registration), and if you get your registration done by 5pm on Monday November 10 you also get a way cool souvenir embroidered microfleece toque. We think its the best toque we've ever had. Just don't wait until after the 10th please. You can of course still register on the day of the event (open at 8am) but no toque for you! On line registration is available until Nov. 10 @ 5pm.

Full event info is available at


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