Canadian Cyclist


June 19/99 10:22 am - Trail News from BC, BOB donates Trailers to IMBA

Posted by Editoress on 06/19/99


I just wanted to say how much we in North Shore B.C. (I'm a North Van boy myself) appreciate all the calls and shows of support we got from you folks out East. I was guilty of forgetting to put you folks on a mailing list for news.

I figured those Easterners won't be interested in such local regional news and I was wrong! Your support was overwhelming. District of West Vancouver is rather ticked off at me. I guess they got a lot of calls and faxes. To that, all I can say is "What did you expect? Joy and jubilation?".

Once again, thanks!

Lee Lau: President, North Shore Mountain Bike Association see


West Vancouver, British Columbia, June 14, 1999 - On or before June 8, 1999, the District of West Vancouver (or "DWV") began the process of dismantling man-made obstacles (or "stunts") on mountain-bike trails on DWV land in the Cypress Mountain area. The affected trails are known as Reaper, Pre-Reaper, portions of the Blind Skier and Coiler.

The stated reason for the DWV action per the DWV Parks spokesperson, Kevin Pike, was that the trails were on public land and constituted a public hazard. DWV further stated trails were created by unauthorized parties who left the district with the liability, and that the man-made "stunts" were removed for liability reasons.

The following further points are noted:

- The affected trails have not received official sanction as mountain-biking trails. - One of the trails, Coiler, was the subject of a NSMBA 100 -person trail maintenance day on November of 1998 with permission of the DWV. - The trails are not signed as closed; only the man-made obstacles have been removed. - No signage has been placed on the affected trails. Natural stunts, obstacles and hazards (i.e. rock faces, fallen logs) remain unobstructed. - As a category of back-country users, mountain-bikers require far less search and rescues than for example, hikers, snowmobilers, hunters or skiers/snowboarders. - No other relevant municipal or other public body in the North Shore of Vancouver has dismantled trails in such fashion without consultation with user groups. This includes the District of North Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District and B.C. Parks.

On behalf of the North Shore Mountain Biking Association

Lee Lau; President

For additional information; please contact Lee Lau at (604) 730-3402 or

Contact District of West Vancouver, Parks Department: Kevin Pike (925-7206)

"The North Shore Mountain Biking Association is a not-for-profit incorporated society dedicated to the accessibility of trails and support of mountain biking on the North Shore. Our Goals are:

- To keep trails challenging - To be a voice for mountain-biking in the North Shore - To maintain the trails - To keep the trails open - To promote respect of the environment through cooperative trail maintenance - To promote multiple use of trails

Be a part of the action. Membership fees can be paid at participating Vancouver area bike stores. For more information call Lee Lau at 730-3402 or e-mail at Further information is at the NSMBA website see


West Vancouver, British Columbia, June 15, 1999 - Following discussion with the District of West Vancouver ("DWV"), the North Shore Mountain Biking Association ("NSMBA") has determined that the DWV had valid environmental concerns in dismantling man-made obstacles/stunts on certain mountain-bike trails in DWV land in the Cypress Mountain area.

Certain targeted trails were Reaper and Pre-Reaper - built by one of the North Shore trail-builders (NOT Digger) - but you know who you are. Live trees were cut down to build certain stunts on Reaper and Pre-Reaper contrary to environmental guidelines ascribed to by the NSMBA. Please note that the renegade trail builder is NOT Digger.

The NSMBA has taken action to curtail such destructive and environmentally unsound activity and will be meeting internally to agree on practises to address land-owner concerns. We have discussed this issue with the RENEGADE trail builders who have agreed to tone down the trailbuilding. We have agreed to develop a "Code of Conduct" for mountain-bike/multi-use trails. Any RENEGADE trail builders not ascribing to such a Code of Conduct will not receive support from the NSMBA.

The NSMBA will be meeting with DWV, District of North Vancouver, Seymour Demonstration Forest, B.C. Parks and other land authorities in the North Shore to discuss a "Code of Conduct" and address recent unsafe trail-building and maintenance practises.

BOB donates Trailers to IMBA

As a gesture of support for the excellent work happening with IMBA, BOB Trailers has donated 2 of their "YAK" trailers to the Subaru / Trail Care Crews for use in trail work and seminars throughout the country.

The BOB YAK has proven to be an excellent platform for carrying a variety of tools including McLeods and Pulaskis, plus first-aid kits and extra water. The trailer is facilitating trail crews to be fully tool equipped and have deeper and quicker access to trail projects. The added bonus is that they're getting to ride in to the site rather than walk!

Of note, specially priced BOB Trailers are available to all IMBA Clubs through their local bike dealer. Call BOB @ 800 893-2447 for details.


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