Canadian Cyclist


November 20/08 5:53 am - Cross on the Rock

Posted by Editoress on 11/20/08

Cross on the Rock - Final Race
Courtesy Norm Thibault

This Saturday; November 22nd.

Wendy and I just got back from the USGP Race #3 and #4 last weekend in New Jersey. After racing that course last weekend....well, I have to say that perhaps our courses are not as hard as I once thought. Each of the laps that we raced, the minimum times off your bike was 8 per lap. Even for the Men's Pro racers.

The Masters Elite 35+ did only 4 laps....for 52 minutes. The Elite Women did 3 laps. There was so much mud that we were actually running some of the slight downhills as it was faster than riding. It was the hardest cross race I have ever done. Full Stop. Someone posted a short clip on YouTube which gives you a bit of an idea of what it was like. Check the mud:

The problem with Cyclocross is that you look forward to it for SO LONG each year and then the race season (at least in Canada and on Vancouver Island) is SO short. So there is a long time between the last race of the year and the first race of the next season. You still have time.....

This is it. The Cross on the Rock series final. The last cross race on the Island for about 300 days, or close to 43 weeks. We have extended the cross season on Vancouver to the latest it has ever been but it is still a LONG-LONG time until we kick off the series again next come out and race.

Don't worry if you are "too out of shape".....we are never in the shape we want to be in! Come racing....For the love of cross. For support for the series. For the prizes. The double points. One last chance to kick your friend's butt. One more chance to get your butt kicked! One last chance to see some great racing.......come out....bring someone new....bring your friends!

We have heard some interesting stories over the past couple of weeks about AGRO cross racing at other races and series. People getting clocked on the first lap. Fists flying....etc.....NOT COOL! So far our series has not seen this same kind of behavior and we would really like to keep it that way. We look at our series and our races as being "Seriously good racing.....but without being serious".

So there is a bit of information in the update this on and if you have any questions please let me know.

Beban Park - The Island Champs.

When Wendy was first selected to go to her first Cyclocross World Championships in France in January 2004 we decided that we needed to have a cross race before she left as it had been a long-long time since the early Canadian Champs (November 9th back then.....early then....earlier now) to the end of January in France. So we decided to make a course up in Beban park and invite a few people. It was our first time designing a course and the lap times were about 15 minutes. We had, I think, about 8 people start and around 4 finish. Our first winner was Robin Dutton.

And now it is 2008 and it will be the sixth time that we have held a cross race at Beban Park making it the oldest course on Vancouver Island....the first cross course.....and still one of the best.

We have a great course planned out for all that race. All categories (except the kids) will be doing the full course. We have changed a few things from last year but basically there are just tweaks and the general course is the same. Just a few different corners etc. Parks and Rec. have cleaned out the stairs from weeds and they are in great shape and ready to run. The whole course is in great shape and with the current forecast I think it will remain to be in good shape for the race.

Beginners Race for FREE

Since we are trying to promote and encourage more beginners to try out the sport the beginner's category is FREE IFFFFF you have a GRMBA license this weekend. Without a GRMBA license the race is still only $10. Drag someone out to try out cross.....they can use their mountain bike....or lend them your cross bike for the beginners category.

Kids race at Beban Park

We had a great turn out for the last kids race at Jungle Cross in Errington. Not only a good turn out but also some solid racing. We will again have a kids race at our last race of the year this Saturday. It will be on a shortened course as usual. Any bike will do....see the event guide for more information. The kids race is FREE.

Event Schedule for Beban Park - Saturday, November 22nd

With the daylight fading earlier and the days getting shorter we have a slightly different race schedule that previous races so heads up:

• Registration: 10:00 am -1:40 pm (up to 20 mins before your race)
• Course open for pre-riding: 10:00 - 10:45am.
• 10:00 BEGINNER CLINIC WITH SEAN LUNNY FROM OAK BAY BIKES and WENDY SIMMS from KONA. You must be registered for the event in order to participate in the clinic.
• Beginner Race10:45 - 11:15 (Race time approx. 30 minutes for first person). Separate starts for each category. There will be enough course to accommodate everyone. Separate prizing as well.
• Kids Race will be right as close to 11:15 as is possible.
• Course open for pre-riding 11:15 - 11:30
• Intermediate "Killa Bees" 11:30 to 12:15 (Race time approx. 45 minutes for first person.
• Course open for pre-riding: 12:15 - 12:45
• Master's and Women's Race 12:45 - 1:30 (Race time approximately 45 minutes for 1st person).
• Course open for pre-riding, 1:30 - 2:00pm
• Expert race 2:00 - 3:00 (race time will be about 60 minutes for the first person)

All prizes for the races and draw prizes will be done AFTER the expert race at this event as we have the HUGE draw prize table as well as our series category prizes and GRAND prizes for the series we can not split it up for this event.

Series Standings. Series Final. Crank Brothers Series Prizes

It is good to know that people are following the series and getting excited about their ranking. Not only just the top guys but also guys a little way's down that are worried about the 2 points that I missed at Experience cross for them....which is the difference between them beating their riding partner or not. If you do check the series points and have any questions please let me know.

If you have followed our series for the past few years you would know that at the last race of the year....with double points available....and the unpredictability of Cyclocross.....ANYTHING can and HAS happened. The leader going into the final......usually, historically, is not the one that wins the series. Will this all change this year....will Michael Harvey, Sean Lunny, Dawn and Russel Anderson be able to hold onto their series leads at the end of the day Saturday? History would say nope.....but perhaps this is the year that history will be wrong.

Check your standings and points here if you have not seen them:

If you have done all 6 of the events this year we will throw away your worst result. We have highlighted the potential throw away result for those that have done 5 events so far this year.

Don't forget that this weekend is DOUBLE POINTS!!

We have series prizes for the top 3 in each category from our friends at Crankbrothers. Pedals for 1st and 2nd in the series and a cool multi-tool for 3rd place. This is the first year we have had prizes for the top three in the series so a HUGE thanks to Crankbrothers for sponsoring the series prizes.

Race Number Pins

A heads up that we are pretty much out of our pin supply for the year for numbers. PLEASE bring some pins (just like the euro races) for your race number.

FIRE SALE: Wendy's Team KONA race bikes for sale

Just back from her first CX-Euro trip of the season (fourth trip across the "pond" this year).......all the travel has made Wendy a little "low on funds" so she needs to move her cross bikes out.....Wendy has 2 of last year's KONA team bikes for sale. Both 54cm size. One has been "de-tuned" and one is still in full race ready mode. We need to sell these bikes to fuel our cross obsession.....and pay for Wendy's Euro cross! If you or any of your friends are interested feel free to e-mail me and I can send you the parts break down and specifics. If you want me to bring them up this weekend also let me know. We have dropped the price on both the bikes in the hope that they will move. VERY NICE BIKES!

Special Thanks to from Beban Park:

Nanaimo Parks and Recreation

The Nanaimo BMX Association

The Vancouver Island Exhibition Association

Nanaimo and District Equestrian Society

Any Questions?

Feel free to contact me at this e-mail address.

Normon Thibault at


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