Canadian Cyclist


January 11/09 4:11 am - New Cycling Studio Opens in Toronto

Posted by Editor on 01/11/09

New Cycling Studio Opens in Toronto

A brand new training and coaching cycling studio has opened at the busiest intersection in Toronto - DVP and 401.

Don't just ride. Ride at Above Threshold.
We provide: Education, Knowledge, Experience
You will: Lose weight, Trim down, Get leaner, Get fitter, Get stronger, Get faster

Do your training using top of the line CycleOps indoor cycles - the PT300. Manufactured by the same company that makes the most popular outdoor power meter (PowerTap), the PT300 will help you complete our CycleFit session in a fun, performance driven, group environment, without sacrificing your power data. Just download your ride by USB Stick (which we provide) and e-mail it to yourself for your own records, or have it analyzed by our coaching staff.

No need to transport your bike, trainer, etc. You can do it on your lunch break. Or... Stuck in traffic on DVP / 401? Get off. Come to Above Threshold. Complete your training, shower and then you're back on the road, traffic free. Beats sitting in your car for an hour.

If you prefer to use your own bike for those long 2-3 hours sessions, mount your bike on our trainers and rub shoulders with National and Provincial road/TT champions. Tap into their experience and learn what it takes to be a champion.

Here is a tip. To win, in race or in life, you need to go - Above Threshold.

More info at:


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