Canadian Cyclist


January 14/09 5:12 am - Cycling News of the World

Posted by Editoress on 01/14/09

The bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created: Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon. ~Bill Strickland, The Quotable Cyclist

Hoy Glad to Be Back in the Saddle After Post-beijing Hype
If Sir Chris Hoy thought he could get away from it all in Australia, where he arrived at the weekend for a five-week training camp in Perth, then yesterday's first training session at the city's velodrome will have rid him of the notion. "Is that Chris Hoy?" asked a young cyclist, who arrived towards the end of the Scot's session. "Nah, it's not," replied Shane Sutton, the Australian who is British head coach.

Other youngsters arrived with their parents and, as Hoy left the track and found what he hoped would be a quiet corner in which to change, they shuffled closer and then just stood and stared, whispering to each other. "It is Chris Hoy," said one parent. "Nah, it's not," said Sutton. "It's Sir Chris Hoy." Sutton is adamant. "He thinks I'm taking the piss but I'm not. It's out of respect ˆ and I've told everyone else to call him 'Sir Chris' as well. I'm bloody serious."

Chris Hoy Velodrome is a labour of love
A BULLET in the knee on the Western front during World War I in France seems an improbable starting point for the new Chris Hoy Velodrome in Glasgow. But that's how Ralph Schuermann came to be resolving final details of the 2014 Commonwealth Games facility which his firm is designing for the city council in the east end.

The 4000-seat velodrome will sit adjacent to the National Indoor Sports Arena. Both of them are key venues for the Games.

The family company, Schuermann Architects, was founded by Ralph's grandfather, Clemens. They are arguably the world's leading designers of cycling stadia, with seven Olympic velodromes in their portfolio, dating back to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. The flying saucer of the Laoshan in Beijing, where Sir Chris won triple Olympic gold, was also theirs.
Read more at The Herald

Steamy session for Armstrong
Lance Armstrong got a warmer reception Down Under than he might have liked.

After a four-hour training ride around the South Australia capital Tuesday, the seven-time Tour de France winner assessed the local conditions in an update on his social messaging web page.

"Got up to 105 (Fahrenheit; 40.6 C) here today. Insanely hot," Armstrong wrote.
Read more at The Globe and Mail

What form will Armstrong unleash?
He's in Adelaide, he's fit and one of the biggest comebacks in sporting history is upon us.

But what will cycling legend and cancer-survivor Lance Armstrong produce during the Tour Down Under?

Two men well-qualified to comment on the record seven-time Tour de France champion are the only Australians who were Armstrong's team-mates after his comeback from cancer.
Read more at The Independent Weekly

Armstrong's Texas Ranch for Sale

International Herald Tribune article

Regional cycling routes expected to bring in dollars
A possibility of a regional cycling network had some Muskoka district councillors seeing dollars signs at a recent meeting.

Since 2007, the District of Muskoka has budgeted $200,000 a year for active transportation projects, such as the addition of trails or cycling paths along local roads. Thus far the funds have been spent on the High Falls Road project in Bracebridge. The project will add a bicycle path to the roadway.

But the district’s active transportation committee has more ideas up its sleeve.
Read more at Gravenhurst Banner

Ottawa gives NW some 'green' money
New Westminster is taking steps to be greener thanks to some green from Ottawa.

The city is receiving a $120,000 grant from the federal government for environmentally-friendly transportation programs to get people out of their cars and encourage walking and cycling to local schools. The funding, matched by the city, also pays for a co-ordinator to promote green transportation options.

Cycle chic
Freeing biking from the tyranny of spandex

What: A fashion show for the urban cyclist
Where: Tall Tree Cycles, 255 Richmond Rd. Ottawa
When: Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Cost: Free, but attendance is limited because of space. Reserve a spot....

Julie Picard rides her bike to work when the weather's nice -- and she does not wear spandex to do it.
"I will ride in skirts, pants, whatever," says Picard, who bikes to work most days in the summer. "I usually wear pretty much anything."
Read more at Ottawa Citizen

Saugeen Shores Council has got its annual update from the Lake Huron Shoreline Tourism Partners
A cycling map and mobile lighthouse display were also developed.

Crysler says the cycling map will be completed this year as well as efforts with the Bruce County Astronomical Society to mark the International Year of Astronomy.

Plans are in place to have a cycling route stretching from Sauble Beach to Point Clark.
Read more at Bayshore Broadcasting News

Auto Gear-Change Bicycle: Computer Controlled Bicycle Gear Changes Optimize Power, Comfort
Researchers in Taiwan are designing a computer for pedal cyclists that tells them when to change gear to optimize the power they develop while maintaining comfort.

As environmental pressures mount to find greener modes of transport, more and more people are turning to bicycling not only as an enjoyable form of exercise but also as their main mode of transport for commuting. But, athletes aside, few people know how to adjust the gears on their bicycle to get the most power out of their pedaling without becoming uncomfortable either through having to pedal too fast in a low gear on level roads or straining when going up hill or to maintain a high speed.
Read more at Science Daily

A Bicycle Evangelist With the Wind Now at His Back
For years, Earl Blumenauer has been on a mission, and now his work is paying off. He can tell by the way some things are deteriorating around here.

Mr. Blumenauer, a passionate advocate of cycling as a remedy for everything from climate change to obesity, represents most of Portland in Congress, where he is the founder and proprietor of the 180 (plus or minus)-member Congressional Bicycle Caucus. Long regarded in some quarters as quixotic, the caucus has come into its own as hard times, climate concerns, gyrating gas prices and worries about fitness turn people away from their cars and toward their bikes.

"We have been flogging this bicycle thing for 20 years," said Mr. Blumenauer, a Democrat. "All of a sudden it's hot."
Read more at NY Times

Mexico City bikers preach pedal power in mega-city of treacherous roads
It's after dusk in Mexico City and a policeman stands in a deserted park with pen poised over ticket pad, ready to take on 50 bicycles whizzing toward him.

The crime? Cycling en masse. His wide-eyed curiosity satisfied after a few questions, the officer waves the riders on without charge, free to storm across highways and beneath overpasses and ride on through a city of more than six million cars, taxis and buses.

Biking in Mexico City is not just a death-defying ride - it's a feat of civil disobedience against a car culture at its worst. While the government extends bike lanes and encourages city employees to use them, cyclists still struggle with treacherous roads, hostile drivers and the occasional baffled police officer. Biking groups across the city seek strength in numbers, canvassing the high-altitude megalopolis on night rides and intrepid commutes.
Read more at The Canadian Press

Cyclists Have 2.5 to 3 x Greater Likelihood Of Low Bone Mineral Density from
The same quality--low weight-bearing--that makes cycling an excellent exercise also has a dramatic drawback: It doesn't stimulate bone density. You could think of this as a parallel to strength training; those who don't do it, don't get strong. In other words, some degree of weight-bearing is good for the bones. In this study, serious male cyclists (9.4 yrs of training 7-22 hrs a week), had lower body fat, more muscle and greater calcium intake than an age- and weight-matched control group. However, they also had 2.5 to 3 x greater rates of osteoporosis and near-osteoporosis (osteopenia). What should cyclists do about this? The researchers didn't offer this advice, but a modest amount of running and strength training in a standing position would probably work well. Source: Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise. Full study "Bone Density Comparisons in Male Competitive Road Cyclists and Untrained Controls" NCBI

Indonesian officials ride bicycles to fight global warming
City officials in South Jakarta must now cycle when performing their duties, in a move to help combat pollution and global warming, an official said Wednesday.

They can own a car and drive to work, but they must cycle when travelling to do their work, South Jakarta city spokesman Ahmad Sotar said.

"This is compulsory. Cycling will not only reduce pollution and global warming, but also promote good health," he added.

"The officials can also get to know their residents better since now they can cycle through the narrow alleyways to reach their homes. They can't do so if they drive," Sotar said.
Read more at AFP


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