Canadian Cyclist


January 26/09 2:00 am - Escape Velocity Spring Series 2009

Posted by Editor on 01/26/09

Escape Velocity Spring Series 2009 - B.C.

Beware the Ides of March: as winter creeps out, road racing returns in BC.

The Escape Velocity/dEVo Spring Series is all set to go with an expanded Novice racing category, and the series start two weeks later (which should mean better weather). While many consider it "just training races", the Spring Series consistently offers some of the hardest fought competition of the entire year.

Great courses, friendly atmosphere, basic amenities, and on-the-rivet racing starts March 15th. Be there. All details including categories, courses and distances can be found at

Changes for 2009

The series will start off with the traditional River Road course, only two weeks later than usual, on March 15th. The entry fee has changed too, to a still-reasonable $25/race, but there's no number fee.

USCF domestic licenses will be accepted at the Spring Series this year. Tell your American friends.

We have also endeavoured to make racing as accessible to as many groups as possible, and will have a Novice category for the races on March 15, 21, 28, April 5, and for all three stages of the dEVo Classic (April 11-12). Please see the category suggestions at the Escape Velocity website to advise on which category to enter.

Please send and inquiries to Spring Series organizer Jeff Ain at


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