Canadian Cyclist


January 29/09 6:45 am - Rocky Mountain Bicycles Donates Custom Painted Frame for Brent Thomson Medical Fund

Posted by Editoress on 01/29/09

Rocky Mountain Bicycles Donates Custom Painted Frame for Brent Thomson Medical Fund
Press release

Rocky Mountain Bicycles (RMB) is pleased to announce the donation of a custom painted mountain bike frame for auction, all proceeds will go to benefit the Brent Thomson medical fund. The Auction will begin Thursday January 29th at 5 pm PST.

Brent Thomson, Godfather and Trail Master of Bootleg Canyon ( suffered a heart attack last Saturday while riding the trails that he has famously cut into the mountains surrounding Boulder City, a stones throw from Las Vegas, Nevada.

When Brent Thomson's heart attack and surgery came to the attention of the people at Rocky Mountain Bicycles, we knew we had to do something to help Brent and his family. We went to work painting one of our Classic Element Team frames. We also wanted to create a beautiful and eye catching piece in the hopes of attracting as much attention and money as possible for Brent's medical fund. The result is a truly one-of-a kind, amazing looking frame.

Brent recently underwent the second Quadruple bi-pass in his life. Sixteen years ago he had the same surgery performed due to an unusually high hereditary cholesterol build-up. Unfortunately, we have learned that in post-operative care, Brent experienced a stroke and is currently recovering from that as well.

Bootleg Canyon Mountain Bike Park is an extensive network of World Class Downhill and Cross Country mountain bike trails located in Boulder City, Nevada. The area has been written up in magazines around the world and IMBA (the International Mountain Bike Association) has certified one of the XC trails as an Epic Ride, a title given out only 18 times so far.

This area and its designation are a crown jewel for the cycling world and we at Rocky Mountain bicycles wish to thank Brent for his hard work. All of the proceeds of this auction will go directly to getting Brent up and back out there to continue creating and maintaining this awesome area.

Good Luck Brent and get well from the folks at Rocky Mountain Bicycles

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