Canadian Cyclist


June 28/99 6:28 am - Test of Metal, Womens Camp, Sudbury Info

Posted by Editor on 06/28/99

Test of Metal, Squamish, B.C.

1 Chad MILES Whistler,BC Elite Men 2:42:59
2 Geoff KABUSH Victoria,BC Elite Men 2:47:10
3 Ruedi SCHNYDER Gibsons,BC Elite Men 2:48:40
4 Andrew KYLE Surrey,BC Elite Men 2:48:48
5 Mike KLAUS Vancouver,BC Elite Men 2:50:47
6 Daniel MACDONALD Victoria,BC Elite Men 2:50:58
7 Scott ROSS Squamish,BC Elite Men 2:51:02
8 Doug HORN North Vancouver,BC Vet Men 2:53:51
9 Stuart BOYCE Vancouver,BC Vet Men 2:54:03
10 Alan ROSS Garibaldi Highlands,BC Vet Men 2:54:41

67 Kiara BISARO Courtenay,BC Elite Women 3:16:00
76 Adrienne WEBB Victoria,BC Elite Women 3:19:54
80 Gina GRAIN Coquitlam,BC Elite Women 3:20:51
81 Linda ROBICHAUD Victoria,BC Elite Women 3:20:52
103 Claire TOWNSEND Victoria,BC Elite Women 3:26:03

Full results can be found at

Women's Cycling Camp

Last week, for those who were not aware, the Canadian Cycling Association offered a camp in Bromont Qué. open to all Canadian senior women wanting to improve themselves. In order to promote women's cycling, the CCA put together a number of learning activities that could come in handy for the races to come.

A total of 12 women coming from Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec responded to the 10 day camp that started on June 12th and finished on the 21st.

Of the activities offered were race tactics, positioning on the bike, interval sessions, TT preparation, pedalling techniques, testing, track riding introductions, bicycle mechanics and training program structuring. On top of that there were invited guests like Ken Brunet from the OSSC, who did some testing on the women and interpreted the results, National Program Director Pierre Hutsebaut, nutritionist Mélanie Olivier, National Coach Eric Van den Eynde who talked about Computrainer training and the renowned sport psychologist Saul Miller who worked on different mental techniques and did some one on one dialoguing with the girls.

The advantage of this camp was that it was done in a relaxed climate in the beautiful surroundings of the Bromont region with a bunch of women wanting to learn as much as they possibly could about the sport they have chosen.

I feel that the camp was very necessary project offered to Canadian women. Not only did it allow the CCA to assess the pros and cons of the national womens situation but it also permitted some hands-on opportunity to rectify beliefs, habits and misconceptions that some girls had about the sport of cycling. On top of that, some of the girls learned that they had some abilities that they never had the opportunity to tap into; which to me is a great plus!

Oftentimes, I find that athletes at a national level don't know exactly where they're going with this cycling thing and don't have anybody to give them advice on the direction they should take. More often than not, it doesn't take much to send somebody in the direction suited to them. This camp also served that purpose.

In general, I was enjoyably surprised of the enthusiasm that reigned in the small group and the determination that all of the women present had to achieve whatever goals they have fixed for themselves.

I truly hope that camps like this can be repeated in the future because there is a need for them and for some athletes, little get togethers with professionals in field can go a long way....

Jacques Landry
National Development Coach

Sudbury Criterium Directions

The Delki Dozzi Criterium will be held on Saturday July 3rd, 1999 at the self-contained Criterium cycling Track of the Sudbury Cycling Club. This loop was designed by Battista Muredda, long time coach of the Sudbury Cycling Club and coach of accomplished cyclists David Spears, Robert Seaman, Christine Judd, Gary Trevisiol, and more recently Eric Wohlberg.

The directions to the Registration Desk for this event and for registrations for the Provincial Criterium Championships (July 4th) are as follows:

From South:

Follow Regent Street (a main corridor which Hwy 69 becomes when entering Sudbury From the South) and turn Left onto McLeod Street. Follow McLeod Street and turn Left onto Ontario Street. Follow Ontario Street and turn Right at the Lights Turn Left Immediately onto Lorne Street (a main thoroughfare) You can choose one of two right-hand turns on either Demorest (at Scotiabank) or at Bulmer (at Subway). Delki Dozzi Park is located at the end of these streets and the registration desk will be in the Field House at the Park.

From East:

Hwy 17 becomes the Kingsway (a main corridor which approaches the Center of Sudbury from the East). Follow Kingsway to Brady (Kingsway becomes Brady Street) Stay on Brady and Cross the Paris Street Intersection (Tom Davies Square & Sudbury Theatre Centre.) Follow Brady through an Underpass carry on until you meet Lorne Street. Turn Left on Lorne Street and follow Lorne until you reach either one of two right hand turns on either Demorest (at Scotiabank) or at Bulmer (at Subway). Delki Dozzi Park is located at the end of these streets and the registration desk will be in the Field House at the Park.

Registration on Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Entry Fees for Saturday event:

Senior M&W, Masters: $15.00
Junior M& W: $10.00

Directions to Registration for the Provincial Criterium Championships, Sunday July 4th 1999:

From South:

Follow Regent Street (a main corridor which Hwy 69 becomes when entering Sudbury From the South) all the way to Lorne Street turn right at Lorne and prepare to turn Immediately Left onto Haig Street. Park at the Caruso Club and ride down Whittaker Street to the Registration area at the Start/Finish Line.

From East:

Hwy 17 becomes the Kingsway (a main corridor which approaches the Center of Sudbury from the East). Follow Kingsway to Brady (Kingsway becomes Brady Street) Stay on Brady and Cross the Paris Street Intersection (Tom Davies Square & Sudbury Theatre Centre.) Follow Brady through an Underpass carry on until you meet Lorne Street. Cross Lorne Street onto Douglas Street. turn Left on Whittaker and watch for the Caruso Club for Parking.

Registration on Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Entry Fees for Sunday event:

Senior M&W, Masters: $20.00
Junior M&W: $15.00

Categories, Distances, and Start Times:

Saturday July 3rd - Purse $1500.00

Citizens: 15km 2:00 p.m.
Juniors: 20km 2:40 p.m.
Women: 20km 3:20 p.m.
Master B,C,D: 20km 4:00 p.m.
Senior 3: 20km 4:45 p.m.
Senior 1&2: 35km 5:30 p.m.

Sunday July 4th - Purse $2000.00

Women: 40km 11:00 a.m.
Master B,C,D: 40km 12:20 p.m.
Senior 3: 40km 1:40 p.m.
Junior: 40km 1:40 p.m.
Senior 1&2: 60km 3:00 p.m.

Note: Primes for both days to be listed at the Registration Area

Directional Maps and Registration Forms will be made available to you at the Cardinal Motor Inn (800) 787-4008

Questions? E-mail Sandra at this address -


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