Canadian Cyclist


February 24/09 10:55 am - Bike Calgary Newsletter

Posted by Editoress on 02/24/09

Bike Calgary - February Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Go Green Choices -March 16 Bankers, 17 NEXEN, 18 Spartan 19, City of Calgary, Alternative Transportation Fair.

Earth Hour - March 28

Bike for Breakfast -April 24 - Bike Calgary

Suit Pursuit -April 24th -Lonny Balbi's. Prior to the Bike to Work Day, event involves a celebrity cyclist (last year it was Ralph Klein who rode on the Sunday prior to BtoWD). Contact Paul Stanton

Earth Day - April 22

Earth Week - April 19, 25
Bike to Work Day -May 1 -Lonny Balbi's

Commuter Challenge -May 25 -29, Go to three Commuter Challenge workplaces 10:00 -1:00. The City TDM dept. will deliver "Alternative Transportation Fair" with company prizes, volunteers, buy-in from staff.

Commuter Challenge -May 31 to June 6 -Sustainable Alberta Association

Clean Air Day - June 3

Mayor's Environment Expo - June 2, 3, 4

Dreams on Wheels -date? -Tour De Nuit

Bike Shorts Film Festival - September 19 -Bike Calgary

On-Street Bike Routes in 2008

11 Street SE

The 11th Street SE bicycle facility connects to the south with the Bow River pathway via Heritage Meadows Way, and to the north at 46 Avenue South and Highfield Crescent.

11 Street SE was overlaid with new asphalt in 2008 and an opportunity was created to change the pavement marking without incurring the costs to eradicate the existing pavement marking. Bicycle lanes now run from 46th Avenue South to 64th Avenue South along 11th Street SE.
There is some congestion building in the afternoon peak hours in the southbound direction at the intersection of 11th Street and 58th Avenue SE for motor vehicles. The signal timing at that intersection has recently been changed to ease that movement. We continue to monitor and make changes as necessary.

The On-Street Plan for 2009
The bicycle route improvement plan was co-ordinated with the West Hillhurst Community Transportation Study in 2008. Based on the feedback from the community and Calgary cyclists, here is the final plan:

5th/7th Avenue NW from 29th St W to Crowchild Tr

19th St NW -Broadview Rd to 4th Av N to Crowchild Tr

A few highlights of the plan:

• Bicycle lanes on 5th Avenue N.W. from just east of 14th Street West to 19th Street West.
• Shared lanes with bicycle stencils on 5th Avenue between 19th Street N.W. and Crowchild Trail.
• Bicycle lanes on 5th Avenue N.W. for eastbound and westbound cyclists approaching Crowchild Trail.
• Shared lanes with bicycle stencils on 19th Street N.W. from Broadview Road to 10th Avenue N.W.
• An off-street bicycle lane northbound (up the hill) on 19 Street N.W. to provide more comfort for cyclists. - Alternative routing along 17A Street N.W. for cyclists who want a more gradual hill with less traffic - A half signal across Kensington Road at 21st Street N.W. that can be activated by cyclists (push

Next Steps
Our next steps are to determine improvements along:
• 5th Avenue N.W. from 14th Street West to 9A Street West; and, _ 19th Street N.W. from 10th Avenue North to John Laurie Boulevard

NOTE: The above on-street information was taken from the City of Calgary website.

8 Avenue NE - Phase 2

Phase 2 will extend through Mayland Heights (19 Street NE) to cross Barlow Trail at 4 Ave NE (pedestrian and cyclist crossing only - not open to vehicles) and continue east along Marlborough Dr. to 52 Street NE.

Some highlights of the bicycle route plan:

• In addition to the on-street bicycle route, the Parks Department will investigate the feasibility of integrating their proposed pathway into a continuous route for cyclists.
• A signal will be installed across Barlow Trail at 4 Avenue NE for pedestrians and cyclists only. This is not a vehicle connection. The signal can only be activated by pedestrians and cyclists, and will be co¬ordinated with the signals on Barlow at 7 Avenue and at Centre Avenue NE.

Signs of Progress

Cyclists take the lane!

This is a new sign on the 8 Avenue NE bike route at the east side of the Deerfoot Trail overpass. The bridge is not wide enough for a dedicated bike lane and a "Share-the-Road" configuration.

This type of signage is long overdue and should be installed at approaches to the numerous narrow railway underpasses in the City (and many other locations as well).

Trans Canada Trail

The sign on the right is one that was recently installed on the Nose Creek pathway between 8 Ave NE and Memorial Drive. The Nose Creek pathway, the south Bow River pathway and the Elbow River pathway form the Trans Canada Trail through Calgary. This designation has long been shown on the City bike maps but only this week was it visibly recognized with signage. The remaining signs will be put up by the Parks Department as time permits.

Hats off to Guy Beavers and Tom Camac of
Calgary Parks!


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