Canadian Cyclist


February 26/09 9:00 am - Tour de Beauce Needs Volunteers

Posted by Editor on 02/26/09

Tour de Beauce Needs Volunteers

The organizers of the Tour de Beauce are putting out a request for volunteers to help with both the Tour de Beauce (June 9-14) and the National Road Championships (June 26 - July 5). Currently, nearly 500 volunteers help with the events, and the organizing committee is looking to add to those numbers.

Nearly 400 volunteers are needed for traffic duties alone, with some stages requiring more than 100 people. Volunteers are also required for driving duties, including shuttles to and from the airport, and caravan duties.

Organizers are also recruiting hostesses to be podium girls (over 18 years), and volunteers to update the website and distribute promotional material.

Interested? Contact Isabelle Vachon at (418) 227-5894 or complete the registration form at


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