Canadian Cyclist


March 6/09 19:07 pm - Cross on the Rock News #1 for 2009

Posted by Editoress on 03/6/09

Courtesy Normon Thibault

Cross on the Rock Series to be sanctioned and supported by Cycling BC for 2009

Our series for 2008 was sanctioned and insured through GRMBA but unfortunately GRMBA has folded this year which left us with a few options to look at. We have talked with Cycling BC and worked on some of the past issues that gave us some difficulty and have come to an agreement for 2009. We will see how things go this year but will all the progress and development we have seen with Cycling BC this year we do not expect any problems to arise for our series.

Licensing requirements for the Cross on the Rock Series for 2009.

Unfortunately the licensing options are not the clearest part of our new agreement and sanctioning with Cycling BC. We will be working with Cycling BC to make this more simple in 2010 but because of the structure of their organization everything has to pass through the AGM to be changed....and the AGM is in the fall so we are stuck with this for 2009......but the good news is that we can work with it and see how it goes.

So to try to clarify the requirements:

• Everyone is welcome at our events!
• Our series will have an option for those that do not have any Cycling BC affiliation or license as we did in 2008. This will be available for a higher price than the regular price of the race. In 2009 it was $5 as the events were subsidizing those that did not have a GRMBA license. This year it will be between $5 and $10 depending on what the events decide to do. SO those without ANY LICENSE can race cross our events in 2009

You can do our events without paying any extra:

• If you have purchased a full UCI race license for 2009 for EITHER Road OR Road with MTB
• If you have purchased a Cycling BC citizen license for 2009 for ROAD
• If you have purchased a Cycling BC citizen license for 2009 for MTB you have to pay $19 (Membership form states $9 but apparently it is wrong) to upgrade your license add road/cyclocross

For a description of Cycling BC licensing options, go to:

The Citizen License allows you to race any event in the Provincial calendar for Road, MTB and Cross.

A Citizen License does NOT allow you to race at the National Championships or outside of B.C.

I hope that is kind of clear? If not fire questions to me and I will try to get them sorted.

Island Cup Cross Country MTB Schedule

The Island Cup this year will also be sanctioned by Cycling BC. This means if you have at least a citizen license for 2009 you can do all these races (now are you seeing some of the value in this.....). The first event is this weekend in Port Alberni. Details here:

The web site for this series is:

Series Schedule for 2009

XC and Marathon races

• Mar 8 - Port Alberni XC
• April 5 - Cumberland XC
• April 26 - Hammerfest XC
• May 10 - Duncan XC
• May 17 - Port Alberni Marathon
• May 31 - Nanaimo MXC
• June 6 - Port Alice XC
• June 20 - 12 Hours of Cumberland
• Sept 6 - Campbell River 50k MXC
• Sept 26 - The Ramble MXC

Tentative Schedule for 2009 Cross on the Rock Series

Ok guys I know some of you have already been bugging me asking about the series for this year......that is what I like to see!

This is what we have so far. The dates are already pretty firm but the venues might change.

SO here is where we are at so far:

Sept. 12th Diver Lake or Bowen Park (New Venue) in Nanaimo OR Parksville (New Venue)

Oct. 4th Beban Park.

Nationals are October 10th and 11th in Edmonton

Oct. 18th: Providence Farm in Duncan.

Oct. 31 Single Speed Championships at Fletcher’s Farm.

Nov. 7th Slugget Farms in Victoria

Nov. 8th Juan de Fuca or a new venue in Victoria.

Nov 22 Series final at Shawnigan Lake School

(not sure why I can not take the highlighting off this schedule.....??)

So far all the dates are pretty firm. The only date that might change is possibly the November 22nd date might be pushed one week later to the 29th.

As you can see there will be as many as 4 new venues/courses for this year.

We are also hosting the first ever Single Speed Cyclocross Championships of the Universe of Canada on Vancouver Island (Name not confirmed yet!) at Fletcher’s Farm. This event will be a stand alone event and not part of the series. At least half of the course will be different from previous years and we have a lot of ideas for this should not be missed!

We will keep you posted periodically with updates about the series as we have new news.

BC Cup at Cross on the Rock

We are also working with Cycling BC to make up to 2 of our events BC Cup events for this year. There are a number of details to work through with this but if we can make it work we will let you know which races and the details.

Wendy at Worlds

If you did not have a chance to read some of the reports or see some of the slide show from the World Champs trip this year they are still on Wendy’s BLOG located here:

2008 Series Survey

The series survey helps us make changes (or not) to our is important. If you did not fill one out and send it back to us at the end of last year please take a moment to do it! THANKS!!


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