Canadian Cyclist


April 1/09 13:51 pm - Lifetime Sanction for André Aubut

Posted by Editor on 04/1/09

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) announced today that André Aubut, a cycling coach, committed an anti-doping rule violation by administering a prohibited substance, erythropoetin (EPO), to Geneviève Jeanson during her cycling career.

The violation was asserted following a 12-month investigation conducted by the CCES into allegations made by Ms. Jeanson during a Radio Canada television interview that aired on September 20 and 27, 2007.

The CCES' investigation concluded that Mr. Aubut directly administered a prohibited substance (EPO) to Ms. Jeanson during her cycling career. In addition, he assisted, encouraged, aided and abetted the administration of the EPO to Ms. Jeanson. Either direct administration of a prohibited substance or general assistance provided in connection with a prohibited substance can constitute the violation of 'Administration'. In response to the CCES' assertion of the anti-doping rule violation, Mr. Aubut exercised his right to proceed to a hearing.

Arbitrator Michel G. Picher stated in his decision that "...Mr. Aubut committed an anti-doping rule violation pursuant to Rule 7.35 of the Doping Violations and Consequences Rules. He directly administered a prohibited substance, erythropoietin (EPO), to Ms. Jeanson while he was her coach. Moreover, the Arbitrator must conclude that Mr. Aubut aided, abetted and assisted in the administration of prohibited substances to Ms. Jeanson, also during the time that he was her coach.

"Since this anti-doping rule violation by Mr. Aubut involves in particular the administration of prohibited substances to a minor, the Arbitrator orders that the sanction for this violation be Lifetime ineligibility in accordance with Rule 7.36..."

This investigation into the role of athlete support personnel is the first conducted by the CCES within the new World Anti-Doping Code focus on non-analytical methods of rooting out doping. Under the rules of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program, the CCES has the authority and the responsibility to investigate any allegations or evidence of anti-doping rule violations committed by athletes and athlete support personnel.


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