Canadian Cyclist


April 1/09 17:31 pm - Midweek Mayhem 2009 Race Series - Alberta

Posted by Editor on 04/1/09

The Midweek Mayhem Cycling Association of Calgary is happy to announce that the 2009 Tuesday night race series is “go” for another great year of crit and cyclocross racing!

The crit series will kick-off on Tuesday May 5th at our traditional University of Calgary Research Park location (36 St, near the Brentwood LRT station). Registration is now available on our website at Fees are the same as last year, with the exception of the club membership for those who aren’t already UCI license holders or members of ABA-affiliated clubs. This year the membership fee will be $35 instead of the subsidized $25 we charged last year. For 2009 we will again be charging an extra $10 administrative fee for payments made in person rather than online.

Once again we will also be requiring all participants to sign up for 3 volunteer sessions for the crit season. You will not be allowed to start racing until you sign up for your 3 sessions. Sign-up is first come first serve. Forms will be available when you sign-on the first time you come to the races. FYI, you can still volunteer and race on the same evening. You can also provide a volunteer rather than volunteer yourself. There is also a $50 opt-out fee available for those who do not want to volunteer. We will do our best to send weekly reminders to people about upcoming dates that they’ve signed up for.

Based on feedback from last season we will be tracking and posting points for the year. We will divide the crit season into 2 series, and have a Male & Female champion for each series in A & B categories. Scoring will be 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 for the first 5 places. We will also award points for prime laps throughout each weekly race. Point values will be announced on-site each week before the start. Weekly and Series prizes TBA. Our returning champs from 2008 are Craig DeBellefeuille and Tori Fahey.

For 2009 we are also planning on running a less competitive “C” group every week for novice racers or those who aren’t quite comfortable with the larger packs in B and A. The C group will have an experienced rider mentoring them throughout each evening’s ride. C’s will start at the same time as the B’s, but in a separate group a few seconds after the B race.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone back for another year of great Tuesday night racing!

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